AKARYUSEI Interaction Analysis and Survey

AKATSUKI and RYUSEITAI have history

Can we get precise about it? The answer may surprise you. This content analysis asks Q1) How many stories does an AKATSUKI member appear with a RYUSEITAI member? Q2) Who is most connected with the other group via story appearance? Q3) Which AKARYUSEI pair shows up together the most?

I collected all event and scout stories from 2015-2023, which featured at least one AKATSUKI member and at least one RYUSEITAI member. Story appearances do not guarantee interactions.


How many TOTAL CONNECTIONS does each member have with the other unit?

How many times did one member of AKATSUKI and RYUSEITAI share a story with a member of the other unit?

RYUSEITAI Shinobu (52), Tetora (47), Kanata (41), Chiaki (33), Midori (31).

AKATSUKI Souma (71), Kuro (69), Keito (64)

Because RYUSEITAI has more members than AKATSUKI, their numbers are spread out and look much lower.

How many times did one member share a story with EACH member of the other unit?

RYUSEITAI Chiaki paired most with Kuro (14 stories), Kanata paired most with Souma (19), Tetora paired most with Kuro (19), Midori paired most with Keito and Kuro (12), Shinobu paired most with Souma (21)

AKATSUKI Keito paired most with Shinobu (19), Kuro paired most with Tetora (19), Souma paired most with Shinobu (21)

You can narrow down by character, by selecting the characters you wish to remove in the key.


84 AKARYUSEI producers took a survey where I asked them the same questions. Together, our hypotheses were tested against the actual numbers. Participants could answer this question with more than one member (some did all 8!)

Q: "Who is your favorite member of AKARYUSEI?"

When it came to voters, we had a fairly even spread! They skewed slightly AKATSUKI. but taking into account group size, respondents averaged into closely equal AKATSUKI Ps and RYUSEITAI Ps!

Q: "Who do you think will have the most stories with RYUSEITAI?"

In both the polls and reality, Kuro and Souma were fairly matched in the amount of times they shared a story with a RST member!

IN REALITY Ultimately, Souma won out with 71 connections to RYUSEITAI, but I wouldn’t blame you if you considered it a tie with Kuro (69 connections)

Q: "Who do you think will have the most stories with AKATSUKI?"

Now THIS was a poll. Shinobu was a complete underdog— only 3 people voted for him. Nobody voted Midori... and they were right not to.

IN REALITY Surprisingly, Chiaki (33 connections) didn’t share as many stories with AKATSUKI. Half of Kanata’s 41 connections included Souma. Tetora (47 connections) had many with all three members. Yet, Shinobu (52 connections) won!

Q: "Who do you think will have the least stories with RYUSEITAI?"

This is when we get to the predictable “wins”. Regardless of favorite character, participants tended to agree that Midori and Keito were least involved with the other group.

IN REALITY Keito shared 64 connections with RYUSEITAI, so he wasn't far behind Kuro and Souma! Still, his loss was predictable.

Q: "Who do you think will have the least stories with AKATSUKI?"

It was near unanimous that Midori was LEAST connected to AKATSUKI, and unanimous that he wasn’t MOST connected. Needless to say, no one thinks of AKATSUKI when it comes to Midori.

IN REALITY Midori had 31 total connections with AKATSUKI. To his credit, he only barely lost to Chiaki (33 connections).

Q: "Which two members (one from AKATSUKI, one from RYUSEITAI) do you think will have the most stories together?"

i.e. 3 producers voted that "Chiaki and Keito would show up the most", and 8 voted that "Chiaki and Kuro would show up the most"

IN REALITY This one was the biggest wild card for all of us. I’d assumed most paired was Souma & Kanata (n=19 stories together), and Kuro & Tetora (n=19 stories together) won the polls, but Souma & Shinobu (n=21 stories together) was the true answer!! Unexpectedly for the polls (with only 1 vote), Keito & Shinobu (n=19 stories together) tied with the two favored to win!

Data Appendix

Below is the total list of stories I used for my calculations.