Another Day By Your Side
Chapter 1
Here, Chief-chan. Some tea for you.
Thank you, I’ll enjoy it.
Whew… When was the last time I had the time to unwind like this?
Huh, I can’t remember. I must’ve had a proper break at some point, but…
The business I’ve been working on lately has managed to settle down, so I wanna take a breather sometime soon… Maybe my usual fishing spot or something.
That sounds nice. It’s been a while, so how about we go?
Woof, woof!
I know, I know, you can come too, Shumai.
… That’s right. Before we head to the wharf, how about we drop by the hospital to see how things are going?
For sure! Let’s go see everyone there too.
Ah– it’s Mister Kafka!1
Hey– Hey–, Mister showed up! Look, this is the Minatomirai Robot2 I made from the blocks the doctor gave me the other day! Isn’t it sick!?
It’s been a whole year since I could eat chestnut sponge cake!3 It was super-duper tasty!
I’ve been practicing songs so listen, listeeen–! The concert on Sunday was super fun, and I even got to touch a piano…!
Settle down. Don’t speak over each other. Any more of this tugging left and right and I’ll rip in two.
Ahaha, you’re as popular as ever, huh. Mister Kafka?
… You were busy with work, but you still made the rounds here. That must’ve been tough.
It’s not a big deal.
All of the kids here have been hospitalized for a long time, so I just wanted to give them something to look forward to.
You’re so gentle, huh Kafka?
I’m just doing what I can.
All I’m doing is giving these kids what you’ve given to me.
I’ve made arrangements for them to go with their families on tours organized by HAMA Tours when they get discharged. So they’ll need to get better soon.
How cunning…
(... He said that, but Kafka’s teasing them.)
How’s your health holding up? You had surgery the other day, right?
Yeah. Mister’s been looking out for me, so I did my best.
My chest still hurts a little, but… I can breathe easier than I could before. I can play with everyone else today too…!
… I see. That’s good.
There might be days when you get annoyed that you can’t do what everyone else can do, but…
Don’t worry, you’re bound to get better too.
(Kafka’s always watching over these kids. He looks out for them so they can all spend their time with smiles on their faces.)
(I’d already thought he was really impressive as the director for HAMA Tours, but–)
(Kafka’s far more mature than I thought…)
By the way, have there been any issues lately, everyone? Anything strange?
There haven’t been any issues, but there’s definitely been something strange going on!
Yeah. In the courtyard! A super-duper mega boss has shown up in the sea!
Super-duper mega boss?
Yeahyeah! Nobody’s caught him! And even if you manage to catch him, he gets away.
He’s way bigger than all the other fishies, so everyone calls him “The Boss”.
I wanna see what he looks like… even just once.
The boss, huh…?
You don’t even need to say it.
Let’s go catch the boss!!
Let’s go catch the boss!!
Chapter 1
… Nothing yet.
(It was all good and fine when we were like “Let’s go catch the boss!” all determined, but…)
(We’ve been here for about an hour, and we haven’t even caught a small fry)
Zzz… Zzz… (Snoring).
(Shumai’s tired of it too, he’s in total siesta mode…)
The time’s totally slipping away…
Well, having a day like this every now and then isn’t so bad, right?
It’s the first time in a while I’ve breathed in the fresh air here. It feels like a weight’s come off my shoulders.
If it’s the two of us, it’ll be something to remember– even if we just space out or catch nothing.
For sure!
(If Kafka could get some downtime from this, I’d be glad for it. I’ve gotta do my best with work starting tomorrow too…)
– I can feel the tension in my palms…! A big catch is coming, Chief-chan!
This… This couldn’t be the boss, could it!? There’s a large shadow…!
I think so. It’s rare to get such heavy resistance like this—
I-... I’m alright, I’m alright… Just stumbled a little, is all.
Here, leave it to me. Root me on.
… Got it.
After we reel in the boss, let’s go show it to everyone, okay?
(If Kafka’s got his mind set on it, I’d like to watch. Still…)
Gh…hh… Bastard…!
Are you trying to put me to the test? If that’s how it is… Bring it on!
… I figured I would— Sorry, I can’t just stand back and watch!
No, I’ll help too!
I’ll support your back, so you can rest your body weight against me.
No matter what it is, don’t carry the burden on your own! Let's give it our all together!
… Right.
Hold onto me tight. We’ll get in sync and pull it in together.
Here we go… One– two!
Sh– it… It’s not… budging…? If anything, it’s… uwahh!?
A-... At this rate, it’s gonna get away…!
One more time! Lower your posture a little more, and lock in your center of gravity…!
Here we go, one, two… ooo!
G-Gh… hh, G-... Got…. it! It’s getting closer!
Just a little more! Here, just stand firm– he—ere!
Got it…! Al–rii…ght! Hff… mn… gh… nnnnnnn—
Ah— … It got away…
Are you alright!? You fell back so suddenly, you didn’t hit your head, did you?
I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt anywhere.
Is this the time to worry about me? You're soaking wet from all the splashing, Kafka.
Yeah, before anything, let’s get you completely dried off. Be careful not to catch a cold.
I-... I can do it myself! Talk about a soaking wet rat, you’re not one to talk either…
Honestly… You’re always about others over yourself.
Still… That. It’s that gentleness that makes you, you.
In the end, we didn’t catch the boss.
So annoying… I thought I’d get to show off my strong point, but ended up the total opposite, I came off completely uncool.
What’re you saying, Kafka? You’re always cool, y’know.
… Honestly, you’re no fair. Saying things so honestly like that…
At any rate, it won’t be like this next time.
That so? Next time we’ll have a rematch. We’ll definitely catch the boss then!
… That’s a little different than what I had in mind. Well, whatever.
Hey, we still have time, you know.
Yeah. I told Yuki-nii I’d be a little late today anyways. Was there anywhere else you wanted to go?
I was thinking I wanted to take our time and take a detour on our way back.
Seems like Shumai hasn’t gotten his fill of walking yet either.
Woof! Woofwoof!
There, there, good boy, good boy. (Petting)
… Today was so much fun, I don’t want it to end just yet.
So, just a little longer. Until the sun sets… Just a little longer is enough for me.
Let me have you all to myself. How’s that sound? Kaede-chan.
Translation Notes
- ↑ お兄ちゃん (onii-chan) is an honorific for one's older brother. It can also be used for young men that younger children look up to, hence "Mister".
- ↑ Minatomirai (みなとみらい) is a city center located in central Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. It goes by "The Harbor of the Future".
- ↑ Castella, a Japanese spongecake. While based on cakes brought by Portuguese merchants in the 1700s, it is considered a traditional Japanese sweet because of its evolution to fit Japanese tastes.