devoted to you

Partial Translation Disclaimer: This is a partial translation of the devoted to you cross-scout gacha story.

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Happy Elements

ES' Most Popular Man Contest Chapter 3

Season: Spring, ES's second year of Establishment

Who I would vote for? Mm~mm… If I had to give my vote, it’d be Hasumi-dono… No, Kiryu-dono, too… But, well… Mn…

… You went dead quiet. Oi, Zakki, who’s it gonna be in the end?

R— Right… For me, I can’t possibly choose between the two of them.

Hmm… Well, how about trying to think of it like this? Let’s say Hasumi-senpai and Kiryu-senpai are about to fall off a cliff before your very eyes.

If you could only save one of them, which would you rescue, Kanzaki-senpai?

From a cliff, you say…?

Fade to black

– Kanzaki! I don’t know how on earth this happened, but right now, we’re going to fall off a cliff!

I’ll be fine! Go save Kiryu!


Oi oi, Danna.1 Don’t just go makin’ choices on your own.

Oi, Kanzaki. Go save Danna! It’s me, I’ll be just fine— at this height, it’s not gonna matter if I fall, I’m me.


What are you talking about, Kiryu!? There’s a shiver of hungry sharks gathering below the cliff lying in wait!

That’s exactly why he should leave me behind! Trust these muscles, I can scale back up the cliff myself!

You can’t do that, can you Danna? Yer a well-to-do young man2 much more suited for deskwork than athletics.

Enough with the complainin’, let Kanzaki save you!

I refuse! If it means abandoning you, I’d rather fall first!

It’s fine, Kanzaki! Save Kiryu!

Hasumi-dono… Kiryu-dono…!

I… I can’t choose between you…!

Fade back to the commons

The one to fall from the cliff… will be me!

What!? You, Kanzaki-senpai…?

Yes! But I don’t intend to merely sacrifice myself, for you see, I will strike a blow at the sharks with this blade…!

Nono, what kinda conclusion is that?

I see. If you can’t save either of them, all three of you will ultimately plummet into the sea.

But if Kanzaki-senpai beats the shark in a battle, the likelihood that the three of them are rescued increases.

Don’t analyze it so calmly, you~

But I respect, aspire to be, and deeply adore both Hasumi-dono and Kiryu-dono the exact same.

I can’t choose between the two of them…!

Hahaha. I hate to butt in while everyone’s so motivated, but the “ES’s Popular Guy3 Contest” isn’t a project about choosing the person you aspire to be, y’knooow?

As the name suggests, it’s about choosing to vote for a popular man. Try not to misunderstand that.

Being popular… What sorts of things makes someone substantially “popular” with people?

Isn’t it a little too late for this? What makes someone popular with people… to sum it up, they’ve gotta be someone with popularity. They’re real cool and someone you can rely on.

A bright, cheerful person— someone who can lighten the mood is popular with people, don’t you think? There’s a sense of security you get from being with them…♪

Hm. That holds true for both Hasumi-dono and Kiryu-dono, though?

Both of them fit…? You~ Try divorcing those two from everything for once. Just split the difference...? — and vote for Adonis or something.

Now, now. There’s still time until the deadline’s up, after aaall. You don’t need to come to a decision on anything here right now.

Thanks for taking it so seriously. Knowing you guys have been touched by this project makes me really happy!

The ballots aren’t signed, so you won’t be able to tell who voted for who, though.

Cast your votes with a clear conscience– I’m looking forward to it…☆

ES' Most Popular Man Contest Chapter 6

… Kanzaki? What’s with that gravely serious look on your face?

Hasumi-dono, Kiryu-dono… I am at a crossroads right now.

In the case that the two of you were to fall from a cliff, which one should I save…?

Haha, what’s with that?

I don’t really get it, but you should prioritize Hasumi. I can hold my own with my own strength, so I can climb the cliff without your help.

H~m… That’s what I had figured as well, but…

When I think of the unlikely event that Kiryu-dono’s grip slips and he goes plummeting into the sea, I can’t help but feel uneasy.

I knew it’d be like this, I can do nothing but sacrifice myself and jump into the sea…!

Hold on, calm down, Kanzaki. How did you get to this conclusion?

Just the mere premise of us being on a cliff is impossible to begin with. What on earth happened, did someone put this in your head?

It wasn’t someone, it is about that one “kontesuto”.

Hasumi-dono and Kiryu-dono. The two of you are people I so dearly respect, so I simply can’t choose.

… By the way, who are you two intending on voting for?

Me? It’s a project that doesn’t interest me, so I wasn’t intending on participating, but…

Kanzaki. I’m going to cast a vote for you.

Wha… Me?

Ohh, what a coincidence, Hasumi. I was thinkin’ the same thing.

I’ll— put a vote in for ya too, Kanzaki ♪

From Kiryu-dono too… Why me? I’m inexperienced, so I must be pretty far off from something like a “popular guy”, though.

That’s what makes ya a good choice. When it comes to people, you get a way more approachable vibe outta someone who’s a lil foolish.

That’s right. Besides, it’s terribly charming to see you care so earnestly about this magazine project

For me, that’s exactly what I think makes Kanzaki a “popular guy”.

Hmm… While I’d like to be evaluated by swordsmanship and samurai spirit, personally...

I’ll accept both of your feelings gratefully. Thank you, sincerely. Hasumi-dono, Kiryu-dono.

Yeah. I’ll vote sometime today before the day’s over so I don’t forget. By the way, Kanzaki.

In the end, who are ya votin’ for? Me or Hasumi?


Hmph. Of course he’s voting for me.

Nah, nah, it’s obviously gonna be me? Take a look at these muscles. If it’s about manliness, I’m the one who’s got ya beat.

Hmph. In this day and age, intelligence is what’s highly valued. I’m the natural choice, aren’t I, Kanzaki?

No matter how ya slice it, it’s me, right Kanzaki?

Uuu… wah, I…

I can’t possibly choose between the two of you…!

Translation Notes

  1. Kuro often refers to Keito as 旦那 (danna, lit. master), or "boss". He'll also use Hasumi-no-danna.
  2. Kuro calls him お坊ちゃん (obocchan, lit. young master).
  3. モテる (moteru) refers to popularity in the sense of being appealing or attractive to those of the other sex.