
Chapter 1

Alright, the food stores are all stocked up again.
(That being said and done, it seems like the amount of stock used up was pretty excessive last month.)
(Most of the food supplies are packed meals and instant noodles. If you eat too much of those, you’ll throw off your nutrition and your body will be worse off.)
(Cooking for yourself is better for a balanced diet, but if you get busy with work and can’t make it home until late, that's difficult to do.)
(And even then, if there’s nothing stocked up at all that you end up skipping a meal, your body will pay for it even more. There’s a lot of tough parts about this.)
Now, what’s next…

I feel like I’ve heard this question in class before…?
U~myu. There’s so many names of battles, I get ‘em mixed up all the time.
Uuu~um, I’m pretty sure the answer to this question was…
Oh, is that you, Nagumo?
Uwaa!? H-Hasumi-senpai! How long have you been standin’ behind me…!
Only just now?
I-Is… that right? I didn’t notice at all ‘til you called out to me. So my training’s not all the way there yet either, huh…?
Do you need to do stuff in the common room?
As you can see, I’m making the rounds to replenish the daily necessities. If tissues and consumable goods like that don’t get refilled, the people who use them will be inconvenienced.
Guess it’s one of your jobs as dorm supervisor? So it was Hasumi-senpai who kept everything refilled and stocked up…
Essentially. When I’m extremely busy, someone else notices and refills everything for me.
Really? I didn’t know that at all.
So the dorm supervisor doesn't just help you find the remote control if it goes missing, or contact maintenance if there's a water leak...
Setting aside contacting maintenance, I’d like for everyone to look for the remote control by themselves at least...
Even so, this means that it's all thanks to Hasumi-senpai we can live here comfortably at Seisoukan!
Thank you for everything!
No need to thank me. As the dorm supervisor, it’s nothing more than an obligation for me to fulfill.
That aside, what are you up to? You seemed locked into whatever it was you were doing… hm?
A textbook… and notes…? It can’t possibly be– are you studying!?
Ahaha… it’s embarassin’, but yeah, that’s right…
Nagumo. Are you running a fever?
? What’s that supposed to mean?
No, sorry. It’s just, I can’t believe there was any possibility that you’d study out of your own volition, Nagumo.
I get why you’d think that, but even I study at least!
Yeah, that appears to be the case indeed. Back when I was a student, I could never imagine you as someone who studied, but… I see. Does this mean you’ve grown up too, Nagumo?
Did you have a change of heart or something? Perhaps because you’re now in the highest year in school, you’ve grown some self-awareness…?
Ah~... I wouldn’t particularly say that, no.
Hm? Really?
At any rate, it’s wonderful that you’re pursuing the path to knowledge like that.
A-Ahaha… Yeah…
That being said, even though it’s only been a year since I graduated, seeing workbooks from those days makes me nostalgic.
Ahh, like this page. Trick questions are mixed in with the typical ones, and they’re unforgiving. They tripped up many, many people.
So it was the same for your class, huh, Hasumi-senpai? Lots of kids in mine got ‘em wrong too.
Well, I didn’t get ‘em at all either~♪
That’s not something you should be smiling about…
Even though it’s a trick question, you should be able to find the answer if you read the question carefully. For instance, if you look at this question...
Hm? Sorry. It seems I dropped a paper that was between the pages of your workbook.
Ah. That’s…!?
This is an exam sheet? … And the grade is…
– Three points?
Ahh~ … Err, is that right…
… What in the world is this grade, Nagumo?
Well, I guess I got caught off guard real hard by the pop quiz at the beginning of the semester.
Until a lil’ while ago, I was busy with Supervillains…1 Since I was out doin’ stuff in Okinawa, I couldn’t really review anythin’ I learned from second year.
Well… Even so, I think saying this grade’s egregious would be an understatement.
Uuu… There’s nothing I can say back.
… To tell you the truth, the only reason I started studyin’ was ‘cause of that quiz.
Students with low grades hafta get retested at a later date...
Hmm. You’re not good at classroom learning, but you’re still studying voluntarily, so I can imagine this means that…
If you take the test and get a bad grade again, you’d be put at somewhat of a disadvantage?
Yeah, that’s right. From that day on, you’ll get given twice as much homework to do for the whole month…
… I was impressed that you were studying on your own for once, but to think there was a reason like that for it…
I admit that it’s just like you, but there goes all that reconsideration I had of you…
(No. Nagumo felt a sense of crisis from these test scores and got motivated because of them.)
(Nagumo would’ve never been able to do that before. His efforts to study should be commended.)
(But… from the looks of things a second ago, can Nagumo really pass the makeup test?)
(While there are many kinds of entrance exams where hard work isn’t rewarded, it’s not like that with normal tests.)
(You just have to solve the questions and then review the parts you got wrong. If you truly deepen your understanding of the material, surely, the results will come in the form of grades.)
Nagumo. When’s the makeup test?
Eh? Er, I think it’s supposed to be next weekend…
… Next weekend? That’s no problem then. My work’s only going to be in the mornings for a while.
Whaddya mean, “no problem”? I can’t keep up with what you’re sayin’ at all…
It's simple. From today until the day of the makeup test, I'll tutor you.
Chapter 2

Umm, so you’re gonna tutor me, Hasumi-senpai?
Yes. While I do think it's a good thing to concentrate on going through the material alone, if there's someone there who can explain the questions you don’t get, you'll understand it sooner.
It's only been about a year since I graduated from Yumenosaki Academy. If it’s content from when I was a student, I should be able to teach it no problem. I've gone over it a few times in Keito Lecture as well.
Ah~ It’d definitely save me big time when we get to questions I dunno, but…
What? I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but… is something troubling you about it?
No, that’s not it!
(That’s not it, but…)
(Last year, when Hasumi-senpai tutored me, he was really ruthless.)2
(To be honest, I could endure it then ‘cuz it was just one day. But if that kinda treatment went on day after day ‘til we get to the day of the next test…)
(... No way, no way! There’s absolutely no way! I just know for sure that I’m not lasting past day two!)
(But when I think about whether I can pass the makeup test on my own… I don’t have high hopes for myself, I just know I wouldn’t manage it.)
… gumo. Nagumo!
Wah!? What’s wrong, what made you shout so loud?
I should be the one asking “what’s wrong?”. You seemed like you were brooding over something…
N-No, it’s nothing!
… Sorry. It seems I put you on the spot with my suggestion.
Eh? No, I’m not really put on the spot or…
No matter the reason why you started studying on your own, I thought that I could help you study, but it looks like I was being overbearing.
No, that's not it! If anything, it's a really, really appreciated suggestion!
It’s embarrassin’ to admit this, but I don't think I’m gonna be able to pass the makeup test if I keep studyin’ on my own, so...
If it’s okay with you, Hasumi-senpai, I’d like you to tutor me!
Hm, now that you've come to the point that you willingly want to learn on your own, I feel that you’ll be fine even if you don’t rely on me, but…
If that’s what you’re saying, I’ll give it my all too.
Ossu! I’d like you to tutor me without holding back for a single second, Hasumi-senpai!
Trust yourself in my hands. I’ll make sure you get a good grade on that makeup test– no, full marks!
No, umm… I’m not askin’ that much outta you?
It’s settled, we shouldn’t waste any time getting set up. … Just give me a moment.
Huh? What do you mean, get set up? I’ve already got all my stationary and workbooks with me~
– Ah, he’s already outta here. Looks like he went upstairs to get to his dorm.
… I have a really really bad feeling about this.
I might’ve just made a completely hasty decision… maybe…
I’ve kept you waiting.
Ohh… That was real fast.
You’re so motivated, I certainly couldn’t leave you hanging for long.
Now then, let’s start studying at once. Go and sit in your seat.
Hold on a sec, Hasumi-senpai. What’re all these books on the desk for? There’s way too many of ‘em.
…? These are workbooks I brought for you to solve?
No, I get that, but–! Isn’t this a ridiculous amount of books!?
What’re you even plannin’ to do with that mountain of workbooks!? I wouldn’t be able to finish this even if you gave me half a year! Summer vacation homework doesn’t even compare to this…
Settle down. The lesson’s already begun. No talking out of turn.
Nono! If things keep up like this, I’ll have to do a stupid crazy amount of problem sets!? There’s no shot, I don’t wanna do that!
All I want is to avoid getting a failing mark in the makeup test, y’know!!
How can you be so spineless? Studying the bare minimum and leaving it at that is just a temporary fix.
The next time a test rolls around, you’ll just panic again.
You’ve advanced to being a third-year, so now is the time to thoroughly review all that you learned in your second-year.
Okay, sure, you could say that, but…!
Uuu… All I wanted was to avoid getting my homework doubled, but Hasumi-senpai’s workbooks are way, way more extreme, aren’t they?!
(Sigh)… If you’re that insistent, then I'll narrow it down to these three books for today. Now you won't have any complaints, right?
No, that’s still way too much!? I don’t think I could finish even one of these books in a day!
Gahh! “I don’t wanna do this, I don’t wanna do that!” You’re the one who told me not to hold back and tutor you!
That’s true, but~! I didn’t think things would end up like this, y’know~!?

Hear, hear! Keito’s always way too strict!
Yeah, right?! Tell him!
Keito’s the super stubborn type. If we back down here, we’ll never win for the rest of our lives!
… Why’re you arguing with Keito anyway, Tetora?
We’re not arguing, Tsukinaga.
Wait a sec– Tsukinaga-senpai!? How long have you been here!?

Hahaha! We heard you two talking!
And Mikejima too, huh? Hiding and eavesdropping people’s conversation is in poor taste, you know.
It’s not like that’s what we meant to do. The common room got noisy, sooo it just happened to be in earshot.
Chapter 3

What an explosive situation! I was worried a huge argument was going on, what with all the loud voices and confrontation, buuut…
I’m relieved to know my worries were unfounded.
Sorry. It seems I got a little too riled up.
Me too… I’m really sorry for being rowdy.
Naaah, I’m not bothered. It’s a good thing to be lively.
But they were fighting over something, right? From what I heard, I got the sense Tetora was being forced to study against his will.
It wasn’t against his will. At the end of the day, Nagumo was the one who asked me to tutor him.
That’s true, but I missed the part where he said I had to do tons of books’ worth of questions!
Calm down, Nagumo. You seem to think there’s a lot of questions in this book based on how thick it is...
Look. Every page has an explanation, so there’s not nearly as many questions as there are pages.
It's not a matter of how many questions there are or anythin’ like that. It’s just that you’re underestimating how stupid I am, Hasumi-senpai.
What on earth is giving you the confidence to say that with your chest…
Do you think you can get good scores with that kind of attitude?
As I said a while ago, you’d run into trouble in the future if you neglected your pursuit of knowledge now.
If you can’t study even after you enter society, your troubles won’t stop at routine exams.
You’re blowing things out of proportion, Keito. You don’t need to study to keep up with life.
I barely went to class, and I didn't do much homework either.
But I'm still living a good life like this~♪
So I think you don't have to be so studious.
Don't forget, Tsukinaga, that while you think that, there are people who are tossed around by your carefree attitude.
What’ll you do if Nagumo takes your opinions seriously and stops attending classes?
No, ‘course I wouldn’t skip classes…
I think it’s just like Tsukinaga-senpai to live his life like that, though.
Weeell, there may be people who can be really successful in life without ever needing to study like Leo-san said, but…
Not everybody can. Only a handful of people can turn out the same as Leo-san.
Most people go to school and spend their time taking classes. If even common sense eludes you, you'll have a hard time in society.
A student's duty is their studies. That goes for us idols too.
No, Keito, you’re wrong!
‘Cause the most important thing for students is to enjoy their springtime of youth!
Enjoy their springtime of youth…?
Yeah! Your school days will pass before you know it! That's why you should prioritize the things you can only do while you're a student!
If you wanna study, you can do it after you graduate. Throw out your notes and go out on the town! And have as much fun as you can! Wahahahaha☆
U~myu, I feel like Tsukinaga-senpai has a point, too…
That’s absolutely absurd… is what I’d like to say, but I admit that the time you have as a student is limited.
But absorbing yourself in your studies in the classroom and taking exams are crucial experiences you can only get from school life too.
On that point, I agree with Keito-san.
The best part about being a student is taking classes with everyone.
I was always traveling all over, so I think I might have sooome regrets of not getting the chance to spend time with everyone back then.
Eh~? Just go to class or whatever when you feel like it.
I had way more fun composing than doing that!
Although, even though I say that, I'm not feeling inspired in the slightest right now, so no melodies are coming to me at all...
Yeah. I said that the best part is the time you spend taking classes with everyone else, buuut just because you’re a student doesn’t mean you have to put your whole being into studying.
Of course, knowledge is important, and if you have it, it may be useful somewhere, but...
Devoting yourself to something you enjoy like Leo-san does is another meaningful way to spend your time.
Besides, sometimes random trivia ends up more handy than what you learn at school if we’re talking about knowledge that’s useful in the future. At the end of the day, it juuust depends.
Not studying doesn’t mean you’ll have tons of trouble. I don’t think there’s any need to think too deeply about it, yeah?
If you wanna, how about you join up with us on our outing, Tetora-san? I was actually planning to go for a drive with Leo-san, so…
Enough, Mikejima. Nagumo’s so lost he's at his wit’s end.
U~myu. So I don't need to study after all...?
No, that’s definitely not the conclusion here…
Mikejima and Tsukinaga certainly have a point. I believe that a student's duty is to study, but I'm not saying that you should neglect everything else in favor of just that.
We covered a lot of ground, but we should define your goal in why you want to study before anything else.
In Nagumo’s case, his first priority is to get a good score on the makeup test and keep his homework from increasing, am I correct?
Yeah… Exactly.
So if that’s what we’ve decided, then all we have to do is study the test material. Even though I’ve put some problem sets together, there’s no penalty if you can’t get it all done today.
Just fill out as much as you can, Nagumo. There's still plenty of time until the makeup test.
… Ossu. Got it. Like Hasumi-senpai said, we gotta start reviewin’ for the test.
Well, if Tetora’s okay with that, it's okay with me too.
Yeah. Tetora-san’s really motivated, so we shouldn't disturb him any more than we already have. We were just about to head out, right, Leo-san?
Yep. Well then, maybe I'll buy some souvenirs for Tetora~♪
Chapter 4

(Sigh) It’s just about that time, huh…?
It was nice working with you at the photoshoot, Nagumo.
Ah, Otogari-senpai. It was nice working with ya today!
I never thought you would be here for this job.
The photographer also spoke highly of you, Nagumo. He said that your image was just right for this magazine.
No no, that should be my line. I saw your photoshoot first, so it gave me a general idea of what I should be tryin’ to do.
You got the okay right away too, didn't you, Otogari-senpai? I got nervous ‘cuz my turn came quicker than I thought.
But thanks to that, the shoot finished earlier than expected.
Actually, my seniors are on a TV show today. I was worried work would keep me from getting there to watch on time, but if I go home now I'll have plenty of time.
Yeah, the shoot really did finish quickly, huh~
… (Sigh)
What’s the matter, Nagumo? You’re sighing.
Did you not want the photoshoot to end?
Ah, sorry. It’s not that, really…
The photoshoot ended quickly, so I hafta go back to Seisoukan…
…? You don’t want to go back to Seisoukan?
When I get back to Seisoukan, I hafta meet up with Hasumi-senpai to study together… but even though I’m the one gettin’ tutored, I'm a li’l reluctant.

Hasumi-senpai… Ahh, I believe you’ve been studying like mad in the common room, right?
I heard that rumor from Sakuma-senpai.
Eh? That’s a rumor?
Yes. It seems some people are talking about staying away from the common room so they don't get caught up in the study session.
But that’s true... I could sorta tell that whenever we’re studying, not many people came by the common room...
It makes sense if that was all ‘cuz everyone was trying to avoid Hasumi-senpai…!
But, what makes the study session so depressing? Being tutored is something to be grateful for, isn’t it?
That's definitely true.
If I have a question about something I don't understand, Hasumi-senpai will explain all of it to me, so I definitely learn a lot more than if I did it alone.
But I still can't get used to sittin’ at a desk studyin’ all the time. It’s not like zen meditation, I can't concentrate really well.
‘Cuz of that, just the thought of studying as soon as I get home bums me out.
Wouldn’t doin’ nothing but studying every day get hard on you too, Otogari-senpai?
Hm, I've never really found studying a difficult task, but... If I was always studying the same way you mentioned, I might get sick of it
I want to also work on singing and dancing, and I want to cherish the time I spend with my friends and everyone in my unit, too.
It is frustrating that studying takes away that time from me.
So Otogari-senpai likes studying...
I'm not a fan of it. I prefer movin’ my body around way more.
I like moving my body around too.
But I'm from a foreign country. So there's still a lot I don't know about this country.
That's why I’d like to know as much as I can, and it makes me happy when I’m able to make use of what I’ve learned.
In that sense, I might not hate studying as much as you do, Nagumo.
Make use of what you’ve learned, huh?
I think you’re amazing for thinking like that, Otogari-senpai.
I'm no good at it... When I hafta sit still at a desk, my body just starts itchin’ to do somethin’.
They say that everyone’s cut out for different things. Like you said a second ago, you’re just better suited to physical activity, Nagumo.
… If you're that worried about it, why don't you talk to Hasumi-senpai?
If studying takes up too much time or solving so many problem sets is challenging, I think you should speak with him honestly about it.
(I've already said it a few times, but... it feels like Hasumi-senpai understands how I feel, and doesn’t at the same time~)
You’re right. When I get back, I’ll try talking to Hasumi-senpai ‘bout it.

There we go. Everything’s all set up.
Oop. Keito-san’s special lesson hasn’t started yeeet?
Mikejima? It seems Nagumo had a magazine photoshoot today, so I got a message saying he’d be late.
But thanks to that, I could get far more materials prepared than usual.
Hahaha. Problem sets, a whiteboard, sticky notes and a new textbook. Seems like you’re real prepared alright.
Not just that. I’ve also got these — they’re printouts I made myself.
A homemade printout from Keito-san~? Tetora-san suuure is loved~♪
If you’re interested, would you like to try working on them too? Luckily, I made plenty of extras.
It's a nice offer, but I'll have to pass. I’ve got errands to run, so I’m going out for a bit.
But Keito-san, it seems like you've been spending a lot of time studying with Tetora-san lately. Are you doing alright with work?
There's no need for you to worry about it. I’d be getting my priorities backwards if I worried so much about Nagumo that I neglected myself.
Thankfully, all of my work this week is done by morning. No job sites will continue into the evenings.
Hahaha! I was a little worried about you at first, Keito-san– It felt like you were getting fired up about teaching Tetora-san, buuut looks like I was just sticking my nose in places it didn’t belong.
Fired up about teaching…?
… Hah, maybe so. I could tell I was getting a little passionate.
I've tutored Nagumo in the past, but...
I suppose he has a certain disposition to him, and well — He didn't seem to be good with classroom learning.
But this time around, Nagumo was grappling and trying his best to study on his own volition… And that made me a little happy to see.
… So perhaps that’s why — As a senior, I wanted to be someone he could depend on. For Nagumo’s sake, who started to realize the importance of studying.
I see. So thaaat's why you were so motivated, huh—
I get how you feeel~♪ Mama feels moved by the growth of all the kids too...☆
Don’t lump me in the same group as you… Good grief.
That aside, didn’t you have things you needed to be doing?
Ohh, that’s right! Well then, I’ll be off!

(Hasumi-senpai… So that’s how deeply you thought about it.)
(And here I am, doin’ nothing but whinin’ about how tough my studies are...)
(That's not manly of me at all.)
(... But I still feel like it’d be better if we could cut down on the study time…)
(No! Don’t be a whiner, Nagumo Tetora! I'll answer Hasumi-senpai's feelings!)
Al~right, let’s do this~!
… Hm? You’re back, Nagumo?
Ossu! Nagumo Tetora, coming right in!
Hah, you’re even livelier today.
I’ve made a special printout for you today. If you can solve this, you'll surely get a good score on the makeup test.
Got it! Lookin’ forward to workin’ with you again, Hasumi-senpai!
Chapter 5

(Aaalrighty, I managed to get here on time)
(Is Leo-san waiting up for me? I hope he didn’t forget we were gonna go to the aquarium...)
Hm, over there is…
Heeeey! Leo-saaaan! Sorry I kept you waitiiing~♪
Wawaa, hold on, Mama! Don’t cradle me out of nowhere, I’ll be found out!
Hahaha! I'm just happy you were waiting at the meeting spot~♪
I figured there was a chance you’d find something interesting and go after it.
Something interesting? My head's been all foggy lately, so if anything, it’d have been better if I’d just found something like that.
… Well, actually, maybe I did, kinda? I don't feel like it’s giving me any inspiration yet though.
By that, you mean you found something interesting? Now that I think about it, when I grabbed you, you diiid say something about being found out.
Yeah. Look, Mama, over there in the park.
Hmmm? That’s…

Tetora-san? What’s he doing in a place like this?
He was staring out at the ocean long before I got here. Since he’s in his uniform, I figured he was on his way back from school, but it doesn’t look like he’s here to meet anyone either…
Hmm, maybe he’s just taking a detour then? Even so, he’s got a pretty glum look on his face.
So he’s taking a detour he doesn’t really want to? It’s kinda like a riddle, it’s worth fantasizing over...♪
Hmm… Now that I know about it, I can’t just leave him be. Let’s try hearing a biiit about it.
Ooi, Tetora-saaaaan!
… Ah, Mikejima-senpai. And Tsukinaga-senpai too.
An odd, serendipitous reunion! I didn’t think we’d be meeting you in a place like thiiis!
I got it! Tetora’s got a broken heart! And that’s why he’s sitting here on his own all melancholic?
Huh? Whaddya mean broken heart?
Hahaha. Seems like that miiight not be it, Leo-san.
Buuut I get why Leo-san would think that. ‘Cause something seems to have you down today, Tetora-san.
If you’re hungry, come grab some lunch with us...✩
Ah~... Sorry. I’m not that hungry or anythin’. It’s just that I don’t wanna go back to Seisoukan…
… The political reforms introduced by the 8th Tokugawa Shogun Yoshimune were called the “Kyouhou Reforms”.
Huh? What’s with you all of a sudden?
? What?
Erm, like, why’d you just rattle off trivia outta nowhere? We didn’t ask anything about that…?
Trivia… Did I say somethin’ just now?
… When heat is applied to solid matter, it melts into its liquid form. That’s called “liquefaction”.
There! You did it again just now!
(He’s subconsciously reciting facts, and they sound like things he’d learn from class. Which means, I have a feeling that the reason Tetora-san feels this way is because…)
Tetora-san, you don’t wanna go back to Seisoukan because you don’t want to study, riiight?
… You’re amazing, Mikejima-senpai.
That’s exactly right. Just knowing that Hasumi-senpai’ll be lying in wait for me if I go back makes me kinda…
You’ve been studying in the common room every day? If that’s true, that’s seriously amazing of you!
Ahaha… Even I’m surprised I’ve made it this far.
But I’ve been studying for days on end, so… Just yesterday, I had a dream that I was workin’ on problem sets with Hasumi-senpai.
… In polynomials, terms with the same letter are called "like terms".
I don't even wanna think about having dreams where Keito makes me solve problems. I'd rather stay up all night.
How about you suspend today's study session? Looking at you now, it seems like your daily life’s being affected by your studies, Tetora-san.
I thought ‘bout that too, but... I can't get myself to bring it up when Hasumi-senpai’s right in front of me.
The whole reason I'm studyin’ in the first place is to get a good grade on the makeup test.
So it’s hard to ask him to stop when I was the one to ask for it in the first place…
Hm~mm. I get what you’re saying, but I don't think Keito wanted to make you into a fun-fact machine, y’know?
(He’s been studying nonstop when he isn’t used to that routine, and on top of that, he's stressed that he can’t talk to Keito-san about it, so now he's like this.)
(If Tetora-san explained the situation, I think Keito-san would stop with the study sessions, buuut… he probably doesn't wanna disregard Keito-san's kindness.)
If you can't tell Keito the truth, you’ll have to put up with it until the makeup test. But can you really keep up with studying with him?
That's... something I’ll fight through one way or another.
… The sound of the bell at Jetavana Monastery echoes “all things will pass”!
Hm~m. Well, if Tetora’s alright with it, then I also think it’s fine as is…
Actually, I've seen a character in a commercial before that rattles off trivia just like this~♪
I wanna respect Tetora-san's feelings, buuut… As a Mama, I don't wanna leave a kid all alone when he’s suffering.
…. Hmm. The purpose of the study sessions was for Tetora-san to get a good score on the makeup test, riiight?
So as long as Tetora-san’s gaining knowledge, Keito-san doesn’t need to be the one to teach it.

… If that’s the case, Mama has a greaaat idea.
Errr, whaddya mean?
Plain and simple! I’m saying someone can just take Keito-san’s place as your tutor, Tetora-san.

… He’s late.
Hasumi-senpai, do you have a study session with Nagumo today as well?
Otogari? That was the plan, but Nagumo hasn’t shown up yet. He doesn’t have any club activities today, so I thought he'd be back right after school...
That's concerning. Maybe something urgent came up?
If that’s the case, then it’d give me a peace of mind if he could just send me a message or something.
If I’m not mistaken, the printouts you have there are...?
That’s right. I've made some new review worksheets. I feel the questions I put together hit it right out of the park, even for me.
(Homemade printouts from Hasumi-senpai? If you’re able to solve them, they’d likely deepen your understanding of the material, but there seem to be quite a lot of pages...)
(I can see how the thought of having to solve these might be a little depressing...)
Hasumi-senpai, these printouts…
… Hold on Otogari. – I think I’m getting a call from Nagumo…?
Hello. Nagumo? Where are you right now?
“O-Ossu. Hasumi-senpai. Um, right now I’m…… Ah!”
Huh? What’s wrong, what happened?
“Hiii, is this Keito-san? I’m on the phone right now– It’s eeeveryone’s Mama ☆”
… Mikejima. Why are you with Nagumo?
"I’ve got my liiittle reasons. Actually, there's sooomething I need to tell you, Keito-san."
"Sorry, but... I'm gonna be taking over as Tetora-san’s instructor from here on out."
"— Which is why as of today, Tetora-san is no longer Keito-san's student, but miiine~♪"
… What’s the meaning of this, Mikejima?
"And so, that's why there won’t be a study session today. Please put away your study materials and take it easy, Keito-san...☆"
Wait! This conversation isn’t over! Oi, Mikejima!
Chapter 6

Wahahahaha ☆ There’s loads of fish! Which is the rarest in the whole aquarium? Don't hide, come out~♪
Hahaha! I’m glad to know it's made you happy, Leo-san.
But if you’re too noisy, the rare fish might not turn up, riight? The fish aren’t going anywhere, so let's take our time looking around.
Sure, got it! … Ah, it looks like there’s river fish in the tank over there!
Leo-san’s in reaaal high spirits, huh? Looks like it was the right choice to bring him to the aquarium.
Well then, we don’t wanna get left behind, sooo let's go after Leo-san, Tetora-san...☆
… Ossu.
What’s the matter, Tetora-san! You’re not a big fan of aquariums?
That’s not it…
(... Hmm, looks like he's worried about Keito-san's study session getting canceled alright.)
(Tetora-san’s a serious kid, after all. He's probably worried about letting down Keito-san.)
(Even though it’s not something he should be worrying about… I'm the one who compleeetely shoved aside the study session he was gonna have with Keito-san.)
Sorry for doing something without asking you first, Tetora-san.
… No, it’s not your fault, Mikejima-senpai. The reason you told Hasumi-senpai there was no need for a study session was for my sake, right?
It’s my fault for finding the study sessions with Hasumi-senpai so tough.
It's not good to blame yourself too much, y’knooow? It's tough to force yourself to like something you hate.
That aside, you've spent the past few days studying, right? Today, you should let your hair down as much as you like!
(But for Tetora-san, it doesn’t seem easy for him to just move on from it.)
(Well then, what should we do here… I didn’t think it’d be good to just let him go to the study session, but on the other hand, there’s no point taking him out if he’s gonna keep feeling this way...)
Mikejima-senpai, a moment ago, you said that I’ll be your student, right?
Hmm? Yeah, Tetora-san and Leo-san are my students todaaay~♪ A “Madara Lecture”, in other words.
Lecture… so I’m gonna study after all?
… Hahaha! Glad you asked! Of course, Madara Lecture has things to study too!
But, we’re not like Keito-san’s study session where you sit at a desk and study all deadly serious. After all, you can still study outside the classroom
Study outside?
Yep! Madara Lecture’s lesson has already begun, Tetora-san...☆
Whaddya mean? We’re just walking around looking at the water tanks, though…
You two are so slow! You were still just standing here?

Look, there's a beautiful fish over there! You check it out too, Tetora!
I didn’t expect so many fish to have such flashy colors. I wonder why that is?
Maybe they’re a bunch of showoffs? Since if they're this brightly colored, they could easily be found among the wide open sea.
Wahahahaha! This one’s opening and closing its mouth. It looks like it's breathing~♪
Hmm? But I'm pretty sure fish breathe through their gills. Does moving their mouths have something to do with it?
It could be that, or… maybe it’s not breathing but speaking a language that only fish can understand? I think dolphins were the type to do that or something.
Hm~mm, I’ve got no clue at all…☆
You were right on the mark; it opens and closes its mouth ‘cuz that’s how it breathes.
Gill respiration starts when it breathes in the water through the mouth. Then, the fish gets oxygen when the water filters out through the gills — That’s what I’ve heard.
Oh? That was really thorough. Is that another thing you learned from studying with Keito?
Nah, Shinkai-senpai taught me that.
Hahaha! Kanata-san knows a lot about the ocean and fish, after all!
Okay, Tetora-san. What about migratory fish like tuna?
Umm... They can’t move their gill covers, so to breathe through their gills, they don’t stop swimming, right?
That’s the riiight answer, alright. Looks like Kanata-san taught you well~♪
If they always have to swim in order to breathe, does that mean they’ll die if they stop swimming? ‘Cause then they can’t breathe?
So they can't get sleep. Are they just always awake?
That’s a good point, now that you mention it.
You brought up a gooood question, Leo-san.
Don't worry. Migratory fish get their sleep by alternating between their right and left brains. When they're asleep, they breathe while swimming more slowly.
They can rest half their brains at a time!? That's amazing! If I were a migratory fish that could breathe with gills, I could compose as much as I wanted without having to sleep...!
I'm feeling a little jealous of the fish all of a sudden...
Ah. But how am I supposed to write music underwater!? What should I do, Mama!
Tsukinaga-senpai’s not a fish either way, so I dunno if it really matters.
Hahaha! You have some reaaally interesting ideas, Leo-san.
Aaanyways, it's a good thing to raise questions like that.
The world’s overflowing with aaall sorts of phenomena and the laws that describe them. Raising doubts about why things are the way they are is how the learning process starts.
So if you're going to learn, you might as well have fun with it. There’s only so much you can learn by studying, no matter the hardships.
That's true. Maybe there will be times when you have to go through hardship a little, but… It's still better to have fun anyway.
So don’t wear that dull expression forever, Tetora.
… You’re right.
I can't keep looking gloomy all the time. Mikejima-senpai and Tsukinaga-senpai went out of their way to bring me to the aquarium, after all.
Well, I guess marine biology isn’t in the scope of Tetora-san's test, though.
But there’s nooo need to worry! ♪ Madara Lecture will not betray its students!
Liiike I said before, all Tetora-san needs to do is get a good score on his makeup test.
That being the case, I’ve got a veeery special technique just for you…☆
Special technique? Tell me, please!
The reason you’re getting bad test scores is because it’s got questions you don’t understand. So coming at it from the other angle, if you know what everything is before the test, you’ll get a good score.
In other words— all you have to do is sneak into the academy and steal the test’s question sheet~♪
Chapter 7

Wait! This conversation isn’t over! Oi, Mikejima!
Gh. He hung up.
Hasumi-senpai. Did something happen to Nagumo? I believe I heard you say Mikejima-senpai's name too…
I don't really get what's going on either, but...
That Mikejima. He said he’d be taking over Nagumo's tutoring completely.
Is that… to keep Nagumo from meeting up to study with you?
Who knows. I don’t have a single clue what he gains from disrupting Nagumo's studies.
(And even if I wanted to bring Nagumo back, I have no clue where he is.)
(If he was intercepted on the way back from the academy, he could be somewhere on that path... We could search with a fine-tooth comb, but it’d be hard to find him.)
What a needless situation to be put in! There’s only a few days left until the makeup test…
How’s he going to take responsibility for this if Nagumo fails it? It's inexcusable!
I never thought you'd be the kind of man who’d waste other people's efforts, Mikejima...
I feel the same as you, Hasumi-senpai.
Yeah. … When Mikejima gets back, I’ll have to rake him over the coals as hard as I need to.
Not that. I don’t think Mikejima-senpai is the kind of man to trample on people’s efforts.
… What do you mean? Do you mean to say that you know why Mikejima got in the way of our studies?
No, I don't.
But... There's something I want you to know about Nagumo.

He was worn down by the daily study sessions… That’s what Nagumo said?
Yes. He seemed like he was struggling to keep up with studying every day.
Nagumo said that he didn't like studying in the first place, so your lessons might have been a burden to him.
So essentially, Mikejima couldn’t just sit back and watch when he saw how troubled Nagumo was, and separated him from me, the source of it…
… We won’t know the truth unless we ask Mikejima-senpai.
True. Or there’s a likely chance that it wasn't Mikejima’s decision, but Nagumo’s if he asked Mikejima himself.
...I guess I shouldn't have interfered from the start after all.
I thought I could help Nagumo somehow, seeing how motivated he was, but...
In the end, all it did was discourage him. How shameful.
Don't blame yourself.
The study sessions might have been discouraging for Nagumo, but…
Even then, he was grateful to you for being his tutor.
Nagumo said he was learning a lot more than if he’d studied on his own. Please understand that those are his true feelings too.
… Even if that’s the case, the truth is inevitable: I backed Nagumo into a corner. That was my mistake.
It looks like I got a little too passionate about tutoring him…
(But if the way that I tutored him wasn’t working for him, he should’ve said something…)
(No, he’d actually been saying it from the start. It’s because I didn’t take him seriously that things turned out this way.)
(Nagumo had finally gotten motivated, and I came in and carelessly squashed it.)
… Thank you for explaining the situation to me, Otogari. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.
If Nagumo doesn't want it, then there's no role for me to play anymore.
Besides, Mikejima’s already taken over his tutoring at this point.
We haven’t reviewed enough, but we’ve covered roughly all of the material that’ll be on the test. I don’t know what Mikejima intends to teach him, but with where Nagumo’s at right now, he should be able to avoid failing.

—Hm? Tetora-kun’s study session hasn’t started yeT?
Sakasaki? For certain reasons, it’s already ended.
Did you need something?
No, I didn’t really have any businesS.
HoweveR, Sora heard about the session from Tetora-kuN.
He wanted to participatE, but unfortunately the timing didn't work out because of worK.
...? So why are you here, Sakasaki?
It looks like Sora will be able to join the study session tomorroW. I just happened to have some free timE, so I thought I'd check out what Hasumi-senpai's study session was likE.
In other words, I’m here out of curiositY.
Ah, don’t get the wrong ideA. Sora isn’t taking the makeup tesT.
It might be because Ibara Lecture hasn't been held recentlY, but he’s interested in Hasumi-senpai's study session, since it has similar activitieS.
The timing for Tetora-kun was unfortunate toO. If Ibara Lecture had been held, he could’ve reviewed last year's work and avoided failinG..
Ibara-kuN’s surprisingly good at that sort of thing, sO...
… Come to think of it, Nagumo also belongs to Ibara Lecture, doesn't he?
How is he in that circle?
How is he? ...Your question’s a bit vague, isn't it?
Sorry. Classroom learning doesn’t seem to be Nagumo’s forte, correct? I was curious about the kind of tutoring Saegusa was giving that guy.
I've heard a little bit about it before, but... He doesn’t just teach supplemental classes, but teaches management too, is that right?
That's righT. It may surprise yoU, but they're actually taking the usual classroom lectureS.
But for more complicated topics like team management and asset management, they learn it in the form of business gameS.
Mhm. Sora also finds the activities enjoyablE. Tetora-kun seems to have fun racking his brains toO.
I see, so it’s gamified learning? That would definitely be something that keeps up interest.
(... What's the point in lingering on something like that? Nagumo's tutoring has already been passed on to Mikejima.)
(My way of doing things will only cause Nagumo pain... In that case, it's probably best to just step aside.)
(I’m aware of that, but…)
What is it, Hasumi-senpai?
… Otogari, and you too Sakasaki. Could you give me a bit of your time?
Chapter 8

If you’ve got a grip on the questions beforehand, it's easy to get full marks on a test!
For a student who doesn’t like studying, that’s the cleanest way to get a good test score, iiisn’t it?
Wahaha! That's true, even I could get a perfect score if I did that~♪
What are you talking about?! It’s not right to do somethin’ like stealing the question sheets!
If I got caught, I could get more than just a slap on the wrist!
Hahaha! It’s not gonna be an issue if you don't get caught, riiight?
Anyways, don't worry! I’m kiiidding.
R-Right. There’s no chance Mikejima-senpai’d do something like that, right?
Mhm! I want you to trust me on that!
What I actually want to teach you is this here, see?
What's that, a mechanical pencil?
Indeed it is. It's an everyday mechanical pencil that you can buy aaanywhere. And if you take it apart like this...
A tiny piece of paper comes out of it~♪ Just write the vocab you couldn't memorize here...
Isn’t that a cheat sheet!? I’m not doing that either!
Hahaha. That was quick, Tetora-san.
This was obviously another joke, sooo don’t worry about it.
You shouldn’t make those sorts of jokes
All things said, Tetora-san suuure is serious.
It has nothing to do with being serious or anythin’ like that. It’s against the rules and it's playing dirty! That's not manly at all!
… If that’s how you see things, then contrary to what you think, Keito-san’s tutoring methods miiight have been a good fit for you after all, Tetora-san.
Whaddya mean?
Different strokes for different folks! In other words, if there’s a change in tutors, there’s a change in teaching methods.
The previous two methods were extreme, but... there’s my teaching methods and Keito-san’s teaching methods. I wanted you to see how each of them were completely different.
… Does that mean that you teach people how to improve their grades with underhanded tactics, Mikejima-senpai?
Hahaha! Weeell, I’ll just say it’s not the most straightforward approach, yeah?
But at any rate, I don't plan to teach you how to break the rules like earlier, so please rest easy.
Even if you did do something like cheat, it wouldn’t accurately measure your academic ability, so there’d be no point in even taking the test.
Cheating’s an unproductive method that comes with too many risks. It's sheer stupidity to waste your precious school years on something like that.
So what kinda study tricks are you gonna teach me, Mikejima-senpai?
Mm! Well then, let's start the lesson right away!
Do you have your history textbook on you? If you don't mind, could you hand it over?
My textbook? Sure, is this fine?
Lemme write a liiittle in the textbook... here and here. And theeen around here.
… Aaalright, Tetora-san! If you focus on studying the parts I marked, I think you can avoid failing~♪
The parts you marked… could they be…?
As you might’ve figured, the method I teach is to focus on questions that are most likely to appear on the test... "playing the odds"3, if you will.
While Keito-san aims for a high grade by spreading his studies across all of the test material, Madara Lecture avoids failing by memorizing nothing but the main points of the material.
And in reality, the questions that appear on tests are almost always the same. The most important concepts of that subject don't change so easily, after all.
In math, it's problem patterns that appear frequently, and in history, it's important events and notable figures.
The wider the test’s topics are, the stronger this tendency becomes. I double-checked the handout that Keito-san made, but I think your makeup test is gonna be the same way.
Break through with one point! If you're not good at studying, it's important to study in ways that are efficient. That means you have to pick and choose to achieve that, riiight?
But if I do this, I’m definitely gonna be lost on the parts I didn't study...
Mhm. That's the hard part about the "playing the odds" method.
No matter what, you'll always lose to the kids who read everything in the textbook and solve practice problems over and over again.
But like I said at the start, it’s a study method that can help you avoid failing a test — as long as you don’t lose the odds, that is.
… If everyone could tackle their studies like Keito-san does, it wouldn’t be so hard. But there are always going to be kids who can’t concentrate forever, even when they try to study in earnest.
The study methods I teach are aimed for those kinds of kids.
All that to say, in order for studying to be enjoyable, it's important to find a study method that suits you.
And that means, just because a study method you tried didn't work well for you, doesn’t mean you should fret over it.
If you learn about aaall the different kinds of study methods and find one that suits you, your grades should improve dramatically.
Which of them you choose is up to you, Tetora-san.
… Thank you. I appreciate it, Mikejima-senpai.
I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy studying...
But after hearing what you said, I think there could be a study method out there that I’d like.
Yeah! Thaaat's the spirit!
… That’s why, in order to study properly, I wanna apologize to Hasumi-senpai before anything else.
Hahaha. That's a very Tetora-san-answer.
But before that. Let's enjoy this aquarium first.
I'll give Tetora-san’s answer a gold star after that~♪
Ossu! Since we came all this way, let's learn more about fish before we go home~!
… By the way, where’d Tsukinaga-senpai go?
Leo-san moved on ahead quiiite a while ago.
I’m sure that means he’s enjoying the aquarium, exploring all the different tanks in wonder.
Come on, let's go after him...☆
Chapter 9

O~i, Tetora. Why’re you frozen stiff like a statue? Weren’t you gonna apologize to Keito for skipping the lesson?
That's what I planned to do, but… now that we’ve come this far, I'm freaking out all of a sudden.
What am I gonna do if Hasumi-senpai’s really, really angry…?
I think you’re worrying toooo much, Tetora-san. Keito-san’s mellowed out a bunch compared to when he was at the academy.
Besides, if he’s gonna be mad at someone, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be me for taking you away.
Yeah, ‘cause Mama was the one who kidnapped the person Keito was supposed to be teaching.
Or rather, Mama made sure the situation would turn out that way.
Mama made it so that Keito sees it as a decision Mama made on his own, so that Tetora doesn’t take the blame.
Hahaha! And as a matter of fact, it was indeed my decision to snatch Tetora-san.
So you can just meet up with Keito-san without needing to worry about anything. If he gets angry at you, Mama will protect youuu ☆
… No, I can't cause any more trouble for Mikejima-senpai and Tsukinaga-senpai!
I'll apologize to Hasumi-senpai sincerely!
Just when I think you've become meek and pale, you become energetic in an instant… It never gets tiring watching you~♪

Ossu! Nagumo Tetora here, I’m back!
HuH? Back so soon are yoU, Tetora-kun?
You weren’t with just Mikejima-senpai, but Tsukinaga-senpai too?
Adonis and Natsume? What an unusual combination to see together.
Where’d Keito go? Did he sulk away and shut himself up in his room, maybe?
Actually, what’re you doing here, Senpais? I think Otogari-senpai’s holding some kinda book, but why…?
We’re recreating a landscape from 500 years ago at the moment.
Landscape from 500 years ago…?
Ohh, it’s true! Is this paper mache? Why’re you making something like this?
Truly, I have no cluE. I just came to look arounD, I didn’t think I'd end up getting dragged into something like thiS.
Hm. It looks to be a diorama. This trench is liiike a river.
A river…? Now that I’m getting a closer look, I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before.
Yeah, if I’m not getting things wrong, this is from the Sengoku Period…
Nagumo! You’re back?!

Uhyaa!? H-Hasumi-senpai!? How long have you been there?
I just returned now. So Mikejima and Tsukinaga were with you too?
Yep. We juuust got back, Keito-san.
Uwaa, Keito! What’re you holding!? A castle!?
Hold it, Tsukinaga. It still hasn’t dried yet, so don’t touch it!
Anyway, I didn’t think Nagumo would be back so soon.
Umm, Hasumi-senpai… erm…
I’m really, really, really sorry for going off on my own and skipping out on our study session!
… Lift your head, Nagumo. I'm the one who should be apologizing…
Otogari told me everything. It seems I was too enthusiastic in tutoring you.
I didn't realize studying was becoming genuinely stressful for you, and I forced you to push yourself. I'm truly sorry.
No! You’re not to blame, Hasumi-senpai! It’s me who lacked the guts for it, that’s all...
It's not a matter of guts. Everyone has their own way of studying that suits them.
And in this case, the way I did it just didn't suit you.
That's the same thing Mikejima-senpai told me.
Is that right? So Mikejima already told you… I've caused you trouble, too.
Nah. You don’t need to worry about it, it’s fine. I can get you blaming me for stealing your precious student, but I don’t recall doing anything that deserves a thanks.
That aside, I'm pretty curious about this diorama. Can you tell us what it’s all about, Keito-san?
Sure. This is a recreation of the terrain of a famous battle in the Sengoku period, made from paper-mache.
I started making it after my phone call with Nagumo ended. With help from Otogari and Sakasaki, we were able to get it this far.
To be honest, I wanted to make it a bit more intricate, though.
It's important to worry about the detailS, but if that slows down the whole procesS, it’s just going to get in your waY.
Yeah. Thanks to Sakasaki's advice, I was able to make it to a certain extent.
I'm not really good at detail-oriented work, but I feel as though I can say I did a decent job.
Mhm. If you were able to make thiiis much in the time it took us to get back, I think it's plenty.
So? In the end, why’d you make this? It wasn't just ‘cause you wanted to put a craft together, right?
… Like I said before, I heard Otogari out and realized that my teaching methods for Nagumo were wrong.
Then I started giving it thought. What kind of instruction would make Nagumo enjoy studying?
Then, by chance, Sakasaki happened upon us and told us about how you’re like at Ibara Lecture. And then, he told us about the study methods Ibara Lecture uses.
I see. And so the result looks to be this diorama, huuuh?
Yes. I heard that Ibara Lecture utilizes gamified learning. I tried making this model off of that reference point.
If visualized information is used morE, it's easier to understand and it grabs people's attention. I’d think Tsukinaga-senpai would take to this method too, righT?
Hear, hear! This definitely seems a lot more interesting than reading a textbook that’s nothing but words!
… Nagumo. I’ve already taught you roughly everything that’ll be on the test. If you just review the questions you got wrong, you should be able to avoid failing it.
So there’s nothing more to teach you at this point… Rather, I stressed you out so much that I don’t even think I have the right to teach you.

But, if there’s even a chance… that you haven’t gotten fed up with me, even after I cornered you into such intensive lessons…
Would you try taking my course again, just one more time?
You don’t have to worry about this possibly being a review for everything you’ve learned. I just hope you can relax and have fun with it.
… Why’re you doing all of this for me, Hasumi-senpai?
It’s partly an apology for making you work yourself too hard, but…
More than anything, I didn't want you to think that studying was only just a pain. That's all.
Would you be interested…?
… There’s no way I could turn down such a super interesting diorama.
I wanna take Hasumi-senpai’s lesson one more time!
Me, me! I wanna do it too! It’s fine, right, Keito!?
Heh, I knew you'd say that. One moment, I have the flip card4 for the answers.
Hahaha! That's a prop they use on variety shows. He might actually want some silly responses from us, guuuys~
It's not good to write the wrong answer on purpose, but... well, feel free to take it easy.
Otogari, Sakasaki. How about you guys too? I still have some flip cards left, and I’d like to thank you for helping me out.
Of course. I’m curious to see how the diorama we made is going to be used too.
It's not like I can refuse at this poinT… Oh well, this’ll do fine to kill some timE.
Here, here’s yours, Mikejima.
Huh? I can join in too?
On the contrary, why did you even think you wouldn’t be allowed to join in this circumstance?
As the instructor, I'll do my best to make this lesson enjoyable for you too.
… Heh, I’m looking forward to iiit~
Here, here, I saved a seat for Mama next to me!
Alright! Well then, I’m counting on you, Keito-sensei…☆
Chapter 10

(Aalrighty, I think I’m just in time for it.)
(The dry ice should've done the job, but I'll put it in the fridge just in case—)
(... Hm? Seems like someone’s in the common room?)
Hm, this should be good.
Oh, so it is you, Keito-san. What are you doing in the common room?
I'm pretty sure Tetora-san’s makeup test was today. So you don’t need to prepare a study session anymore, right?
Mikejima? Like you said, I no longer need to hold study sessions for Nagumo.
Now, I’m making props to use in Keito Lecture.
I felt like the way I tutored Nagumo was a success. I wanted to try it out in Keito Lecture, so I’ve made these.
I see. So next is a game that uses cards, huuuh?
Yes. It's a card game where everyone answers whether an action is the right manners or not at the same time.
It takes time to make small pieces of craft, but once you start, it's surprisingly fun.
I drew easy-to-understand illustrations on the cards, and paid careful attention to the legibility on the image.
Thaaat’s Keito-san for you. It looks good enough to be sold as is ♪
Did you make this one too?
Yes. That’s already completed. I don’t mind if you look at it however you like.
Let me know if there's anything that catches your eye. I'll make some revisions before the day of Keito Lecture activities.
Haha, you're fuuull of motivation, huh? Seems like you truly do enjoy tutoring, Keito-san.
… That's true. I learn a lot through teaching others– not only for the students but also for myself.
I might like tutoring others in that sense as well.
But it seems like when I tutor, I get severely out of hand without considering the students, so I still have a long way to go...
There’s no need to worry! If you’re capable of considering that now, you'll be fine, Keito-san!
… Mikejima. I say this again; I know that I caused you trouble with Nagumo the other day.
If you hadn't taken him out, I probably would’ve subjected him to another horrible lesson that day.
It's thanks to you that I was able to change my perspective. Let me thank you again.
Hmmm? What are you talking about?
I just wanted to hang out with Tetora-san that day, there's nooo deeper meaning to it.
There’s no need to dodge the subject.
Nagumo told me. You taught him how to “play the odds"
And in actuality, that’s a useful study method that suits Nagumo. I would also try to guess what the usual tests’ question topics would be, too.
That's a surprise. I thought Keito-san was the type to study thoroughly.
Of course, reading the textbook and solving the problem sets is a given. And on top of that, I would review what was most likely to be on the test– the most important parts within the test’s subject matter.
By doing that, you can deepen your understanding.
… However, not everyone can study in the same way. Instead of forcing what works best for you on others, you need to consider the study method that suits them best.
That's what I learned from this situation.
Hmm. I really hadn't thought about it thaaat far...
Buuut either way, if it could be helpful to you, Mama’s happy☆
… By the way, what’s that you have there?
Hmm? This is...
Hasumi-senpai– Hasumi-senpai are you here~!?
You’re making a racket, Nagumo Tetora.
Ah, there you are! And Mikejima-senpai too!
Yes, welcome back! You had an interview job straight after school today, didn’t you?
Ossu! I got that done too! ‘Cuz there was something I wanted to tell you guys right away!

… Ta~daaa! The results of today's quiz!
Whoa, you got higher than a 90%! That’s amaaazing, Tetora-san!
Hmmm. It seems like you got the right answer on everything I taught you. Great job, Nagumo.
As long as you put your heart and soul into it, you’ll end up on top! And it’s the result of studying hard with Keito-san these past few days too~♪
Heheh! It really does feel good to get a good score! All the hard work was worth it!
Thank you both so, so, so much...!
Hahaha, I’m happy Tetora-san got a good grade toooo! Heeere we go, time to give you uppies ♪
Uwaa, hold on Mikejima-senpai! Please don’t toss me up so suddenly!
I know you’re happy, but set him down, Mikejima.
Hmmm... Can’t be helped. Now then, to celebrate Tetora-san’s hard work, here’s a present from me.
…? Did you get this cake5 from the place in front of the train station?
Yep! I bought it to congratulate you on your hard work on the test. It’s aaall yours to eat~♪
Really?! I’m so grateful~!
… But since we're all here anyways, I’d love it if you two could eat it with me too.
‘Cuz it’s thanks to my seniors I was able to get such a good grade!
… Is that really okay? Mikejima is the one who bought that for you…
I can’t eat this by myself. Besides, this sorta thing tastes better if you share it with others!
I don't mind. Tetora-san’s sooo kind~♪
Well then, I'll go get the plates and forks!
Ah, I'll go with you, Mikejima-senpai!
(I'm glad to see your efforts pay off, Nagumo.)
Hasumi-senpai. Do you know who this belongs to?
Hm? Is that a magazine?
I think so. It was on the kitchen table, so I brought it over just in case...
Someone must’ve left it behind. Maaaybe they’ll notice and come and get it.
Yeah, you're right. I'll put it back where it was, then.
… Wait a second, a paper slipped out from the magazine.
This looks like… some kind of printout?
Yeah, it does. … Uwaa! That score’s as low as mine was. Who in the world does this belong to—?
— Shiratori Aira…?
… H-Hasumi-senpai? Where are you going?
Sorry, Nagumo. The two of you, eat the cake for me.
Looks like I’ve found someone new to tutor.
Hahaha! Looks like Keito-san's gonna be busy agaaain...☆
Translation Notes
- ↑ Supervillains refers to the blockbuster tokusatsu show that Ryuseitai acted in, where their acting roles were as heroes dyed in evil. You can learn more about it in the event story Supervillain.
- ↑ Referencing Keito Lecture: Spinoff Edition, where Keito catches Hinata, Aira and Tetora hiding their bad grades.
- ↑ When faced with uncertainty, ヤマを張る (lit. mountain stretching) is essentially relying on your gut instinct to take a chance on something.
- ↑ Flip cards look like this
- ↑ If you're curious about what the dry ice was for, apparently you use it to keep cakes cool