Intelligence | Disclosure Chapter 4 (Partial Translation)
Partial Translation Disclaimer: This is a partial translation of the Intelligence cross-scout gacha story. If you're looking for a full translation, you can find it here.
Up to this point: Yuzuru embarks on a quest for better business management skills, and comes to Kaoru's Live House to learn more. Kaoru mentions Kanata and AOUMI Aquarium as a place Yuzuru could learn from, and Yuzuru reserves tickets for the two of them to see him the next day.
When Kaoru and Yuzuru get to AOUMI Aquarium, Jun is there with Kanata to prep for an aquarium photo shoot. Kanata tells them that he's on an investigation regarding Mendako1 aliens that have been appearing in Seisoukan dorms.
The Mendako alien costume has been making the rounds around the dorm without Kanata's permission, so he's in the aquarium to check the storage room. Yuzuru cooberates the story: he's experienced a past sighting with Eichi: a Mendako alien dancing around in the courtyard. Kanata returns with his Mendako costume, so it hasn't been stolen. With the matter settled, Yuzuru and Kanata discuss business.
Later that night, Kaoru goes into the kitchen for water and sees a group of Mendako aliens in the dorm commons performing a ritual around the table.
Intelligence Chapter 4

You saw the Mendako aliens2 gathered together...?
Yeah. I happened to be looking at the common room from the kitchen when I saw them last night.
There were a few Mendako aliens circled around the dining table... It was like they were holding a ritual.
But isn’t it really weird~? A mysterious group of mascot costumes inside Seisoukan, appearing and disappearing at will...
I can’t understand who on earth it is, and why the hell they’re doing it.
Indeed, since it’s hard to see what they gain by doing this.
Do you have any clue, Kanata-kun?
could it be that you’re suspicious of me, kaoru...?
you’re heartless...! i have had [nothing to do with this]...!
No, no, it’s not that– nothing’s coming to mind for me, so I just wanted to hear your opinion, Kanata-kun.
You have the most enthusiasm for spreading the wonders of mendako out of all of us, so I figured you might have an idea!
… really? hm~ well, if that’s what you meant it is fine, but…
i hardly ever [walk around] in a mascot [costume], so i do not know either.
Yeah, I thought so~ So there’s nothing we can do…
I guess the only way to get the truth is to catch the person in question and make them confess, huh~?
That's kinda disturbing~ Well, I get that it’s creepy if people in mascot suits materialized in someone’s living space out of nowhere, though.
If we could just understand the goal of the Mendako aliens, we might get a clue on who they truly are.
Well then, how about the four of us investigate the Mendako alien eyewitness accounts together?
They seem to have been making appearances here many times recently, so I imagine there must be a number of witnesses around.
[good idea]. if we collect some [eyewitness reports], we might get a better idea of the why they have been on the [move] lately.
when it comes to someone who might know more [about this]…
How about someone like Hasumi-kun?
Ah…~ Oh yeah, ‘cause Hasumi-senpai’s the dorm supervisor, right?
I usually check with him on the dorm rules, so maybe he’s got reports of sightings too.
Well then, it’s settled. Let us start by speaking with Keito-sama and seeing what he has to say.

I was wondering what the commotion was here… So you’re talking about that thing?
I’m certainly aware of the gist of it.. This is about the Mendako aliens that appear night after night, right?
They haven’t been a nuisance for people, so I’ve also been keeping an eye out for them, but… Did they cause any trouble?
As we thought, Keito-sama has heard about them as well.
Both myself and Kaoru-sama witnessed them, but it was neither a bother nor a danger; the strange sight merely startled us and nothing more.
However, we were wondering if Keito-sama might have any idea what on earth they’re doing.
We figured if we could get some more eyewitness reports, we’d be able to understand what those guys are getting out of dressing up like Mendako aliens. Do you know anything about it, Hasumi-kun?
Hm. Since I’m the dorm supervisor, I've been gathering testimonies, but...
To be honest, I feel as if none of them are conclusive.
It’s just bizarre rumors going around, like that they were having a nighttime takoyaki3 party in the dorm, or that they were chanting mysterious spells, or that they were sprawled out and lying down flat.
It’s hard to say whether or not they're nuisances when I can’t even begin to describe what’s going on, so it frustrates me not being able to do my job and lecture them on it....

i feel that at this point, they are already being [nuisances] though.
but i am also someone who seems [strange] from [other people’s] perspectives, so~ i don’t think we should [crack down on it] that much.
It's not up to one single resident to decide what’s normal and what’s weird, after all. I wouldn’t be able to get comfortable either if I wasn’t allowed to do weight training in the room.
However, considering how careful they are in ensuring they are within the line that will not incur a scolding, it seems as if their actions are thoroughly planned.
All the more intriguing.
Then should we go and interview the witnesses next?
Going around on foot is the classic way to investigate~ Maybe the ringleader of the Mendako aliens himself will be among them.
Let us do so. This is not an operation you can conduct alone, and there may be a likelihood that they are recruiting people who have discovered their true identity.
Keito-sama, would you be able to tell us the identity of the witnesses?
Hmm... I guess it’s fine. I don’t think there’s a need to hide any sources of information in this case.
I’m hoping for a full portrait of the situation too. I'm counting on you.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Mendako (or flapjack octopus) are a species of umbrella octopus.
- ↑ As Kanata explains at the beginning of Disclosure Chapter 3, the costume they're talking about was originally used by Chiaki for hero shows, most notably in Supernova Live. Midori and Wataru have also used it.
- ↑ Takoyaki is a ball-shaped grilled snack that typically consists of tako (octopus).