Kanata Substory 2

puka, puka…♪ it is lunchtime ♪
and [lunchtime] means it is time for a [meal]. if i do not have a [meal], i will get hungry, so…♪
are you having [lunch], too, transfer student?
what a coincidence. the seat in front of me is unoccupied, so please go right ahead; feel free to take it…♪
well then, let us eat ♪
aah, i forgot something [important]. transfer student, could you pass me the [soy sauce]?
thank you very much ♪ without [soy sauce], i can't have [lunch].
the problem is that there is [soy sauce] in the [cafeteria], but there is none in the [canteen]...
therefore, i always have my [lunch] in the [cafeteria]...♪
transfer student, do you go to the [canteen] as well?
i would like to go to the [canteen], too, but the problem remains: there is no [soy sauce]...
hm? bring the [soy sauce] with me?
oh, that would work...♪ i did not [think] of that.
next time, i will bring some [soy sauce] to the [canteen]. thanks for the [advice]...♪
puka, puka ♪ the [rice] looks delicious, does it not?
put [soy sauce] on [croquettes]; put [soy sauce] on [rice].
let us put it on [miso soup] and [pickled vegetables], too...♪
transfer student, you are making a [strange] face right now.
[soy sauce] is not something to put on [rice] or [miso soup]...?1
i love [soy sauce]. i do love [water] too, though; it is about the same.
having [many things] you love is happiness…♪
so, i pour it on [everything]. it is full of happiness, so it makes me happy
hmm? it is better to do it in moderation?
that is right, hmm~? happiness should be [savored] little by little.
if you have lots of it, the [deep emotions] it brings will be [reduced by half].
from now on, i will pour [soy sauce] little by little.
as thanks for the [advice], i will [share] my happiness with you in return.
here is some [soy sauce] for the transfer student…♪
when the transfer student is happy, i am happy, too…♪
Translation Notes
- ↑ In Japan, it is looked down upon to put soy sauce on rice, as it can make the rice soggy or detract from the flavor of the dish.