Keito Lecture, Spinoff Edition

(… All done.)
(It’s been a long time since I set aside the time to read like this. These days, I’ve been working nonstop.)
(... It’s five in the afternoon already? Usually, around this time—)
(Urgh, I almost checked Hold-Hands again without even thinking about it. As soon as my mind wanders, it goes right back to thinking about work.)
(I decided to set aside the whole day for a break. For the sake of the future, I have to look after my mind and body right now.)
(Now then, which should I go with next? I’m getting a little tired of going through some of my backlog.)
(Reading something I wouldn’t usually pick up might be a good palette cleanser. It wouldn’t hurt to peek at BIBLION’S recommendations section.)
(... Hm? Seems like someone’s coming.)
Alri~ght, we’re here~♪ We should be safe here.
Are you sure~?
(Those voices… is that Aoi and Shiratori?)

This place always seems to have a lot of people going in and out of it. I think Tattsun-senpai comes here a lot.
I feel like I’ve even heard Mayo-san say something like, "It's soothing and quiet,” too.
Heh-heh-heh. It’s true that there are a lotta people who use this place. And that’s exactly why I’ve taken advantage of it as a good hiding spot~☆
I sure hope so. (Sighs)... Why do I get these grades all the time? I’m sick of it!
It was last second, but I still basically studied for the test overnight. Am I just bad at this kinda thing?
Speaking of grades, our Hiro-kun’s an idiot and yet he’s the top of his class ’cause of his grades.
So when I asked him for tips about studying, he was just like, "How do you manage to get those kinds of grades? I'm curious!"
That’s what I’d like to know. It pisses me off~!
Ahaha. Being close to a genius is tough, right?
Yeah… So that’s why I was happy that you heard me out and gave me advice~♪
I’m hesitant to just throw it away as kindling, but I don't wanna put it somewhere people can see either.
Mhmhm, I know how you feel. When I got a bad grade, I also looked around everywhere for a place to hide the answer sheet—
That’s when I realized this book room feels like a “Flunk-out’s Paradise”…♪
(Hm… I don’t have a single clue what they’re on about. All I can glean from them is that this is a dumb conversation.)
(But, there’s no doubt in my mind they’re scheming something. As dorm supervisor, it’s my obligation to know what it is.)
“Flunk-Out’s Paradise”..? That seems like a good title for an idol song~ ♪
Where should I hide it? In a book maybe?
Nope. The exact location of the hiding spot iiiiiis…— between the sofa cushions~♪
It’s surprisingly deep, so you can shove it all the way in. You wouldn’t think to look in a place like this, right?
I get it! No one would notice the gaps of the sofa cushions. You're a genius, Hinata-senpai~♪
(What “genius” are we talking about here? Incorrigible…)
Time to take those answer sheets and... Wait, what? It looks like there's even more paper here than there was before...
“Nagumo Tetora”’s written here. Ooh, Tetsu-kun stashes his away here too, huh?
I had no clue other people used this as storage too. Guess everyone thinks the same way, ahaha.
I bet~ ufufu~♪
— You two, is this really the time to be laughing…!
Uwaa, Hasumi-senpai!?

U~myu, I didn't think I’d get found out.
We didn’t notice Hasumi-senpai was there, so it was our fault. Sorry.
You’re beyond help. To think, a cover-up orchestrated not just by Aoi and Shiratori, but Nagumo too.
It’s ‘cuz these kinds of grades aren’t manly, so I can’t let Taishou find out about ‘em. Uuu…
(Kiryu would get these kinds of grades too… But for the sake of his honor, I won’t bring it up.)
There’s only so much space between the sofa cushions. You wouldn’t have been able to stash as many as you wanted in there.
Besides, this conduct would’ve been sniffed out sooner or later. What exactly did you plan on doing when that time came?
We didn’t think about it at all… If we could think that far ahead, we wouldn’t be getting grades as bad as these~
Hm… If that’s how it is, then you just need to not get any bad grades.
Today’s my day off. I’ll stay and help you all study.
Eh? You’d do that, Hasumi-senpai?
I kinda wanna refuse or something…
‘Cuz senpai seems like the type to be real intense with his lectures, so…?
Hmph, so you are aware. I’ll open up the “Keito Lecture: Spinoff Edition” as a special occasion for you all.
Each of you, go grab some stationary. We’ll meet up in five minutes. — Well then, go on!

Please be gen~tle...
Uu~ How’d things end up like this…
(... I might be straying from the goal of unwinding mind and body, but cultivating the juniors is always important.)
(I won't hold back. If I'm going to do it, I'm doing it thoroughly...♪)