Keito Management Stories
NOTE: Management stories take place in early !-era spring, so they're a good gauge for relationships pre-development.
With Kuro

Kiryu? It’s rare to see you in a place like this. What are you doing
Oh, danna. You came at a good time. Couldja tell me what this word means?
English reference books..? Were you studying?
Yeah. Actually, Kanzaki asked me a question about English grammar the other day. It was something I could answer, but…
Seems like he’s unbelievably bad at English. Did you know about that, danna?
No… He has a serious disposition, so I was under the impression he could study just as diligently.
Come to think of it, there are times where he struggles with English words we use on a daily basis.
Right? Seems he can handle other subjects better than average, but English is the one thing he just can't do.
Seein’ him like that got me worried, but I'm not that good at studying myself. That’s how I ended up here, reviewin’ it.
I see… I’m starting to get worried, too… I don’t think it’ll affect his grades, but still…
Okay. I have some reference books and vocabulary flashcards I can recommend, so stay here. I’ll bring them.
Alright, thanks. It's reassurin' to know you’re willin’ to help us out, danna.
With Tsukasa

There’s no urgent work today. Now and again, I have lunch at the school store, so I thought I’d come by, but…
Why is there nothing but soybean bread left?
The sign says “Now half-off the regular price!'', but there’s still so much left over… As I figured, it’s not very popular.
I don't like soybeans either. It's not something I’m going to force myself to eat. It's a pain, but I have no choice but to go to the cafeteria.
Oh, Hasumi-senpai? Hello. The bread in the school store is exquisite. I also come here quite often.
Suou? . . I don't want to eat soybean bread, even if it’s exquisite.
From what I see, you seem to have bought a different kind of bread. I can’t believe you managed to buy them in time.
As soon as the bell rang to signal the end of class, I headed straight to the school store.
The first year’s classrooms are close to the school store, so if you walk quickly, you can buy the popular bread ♪
Um, Hasumi-senpai. If you don't like the bread there, do you want to exchange it for the bread I bought?
Is that okay…? It would help. To be honest, it’s not that they’re inedible: I just really don't like soybeans. I was just thinking about going to the cafeteria instead.
I see, so Hasumi-senpai doesn't like soybeans. From now on, I will refrain from giving you anything with soybeans in it.
But why is there so much surplus today? Is it a purchase order Mistake?
Who knows... Suou, I'm starting to feel a little sick, so I'll wait outside.
Jeez, I don't think I can ever overcome soybeans.
With Mao

Mm. This coffee is delicious.
Hm… There aren’t any seats left. I guess it can’t be helped… I’ll check another store.
Isara…? I didn’t expect to meet you in a place like this.
The seat in front of me is empty, so why don't you sit down?
Oh, vice president? ! Um, is that okay? It's not like I'm meeting someone.
I'm alone, so it’s fine. I’m ordering a refill of coffee, but what about you, Isara?
Well, it's the same for me... Um, do you come to this store often?
Not really. I only come every once in a while whenever I feel like drinking coffee.
Well, usually I have Japanese tea, though... What? Even if you look at me like that, I won't let you have my chiffon cake.
A-Ah, it’s not that– Er… There's just something unusual to me about the vice president having cake.
Hmph, even I eat something like this once in a while. Putting that aside, it seems that what I asked for has arrived.
It's normal for the student council to be busy, so it's important to take breaks.
It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, so it'd be nice to take our time catching up over coffee.
With Yuzuru

I’m coming in.
Ah, Hasumi-sama. Are you participating in the archery club's activities today?
Yes. I finished my student council work early, so I thought I’d show up for once.
Judging from appearances, it’s just you Fushimi. Were you practicing alone?
No. I was simply cleaning.
Ahh, I’m grateful that you do this without me having to ask.
It’s thanks to you that the archery range is kept tidy, Fushimi. You have my thanks.
There’s no need to thank me. I'm a member of the archery club, and cleaning is my hobby.
Hasumi-sama, the only thing I have left to do is clean the floor… Could you please wait in the changing room until it's finished?
However, I'd feel terrible to keep you waiting, so I'll prepare something for you to drink afterwards.
Hey, I’m not a customer. We’re both members of the archery club, so let me help with the cleaning, too.
But I cannot allow Vice President-sama himself to do such a thing.
I told you to call me by my last name during club activities. I’m also a member of the archery club, so we’ll do the cleaning together.
Besides, the sooner we do it, the sooner it will be over. Let's put in some elbow grease every now and then.
With Kaoru

Hakaze, you've come at the right time. I have something to talk to you about.
Mm, well I don't, so cut me a break please~ Your lectures are too long, Hasumi-kun, so I don’t really care for them.
Hmph, it's your own fault for doing things that need lecturing.
Hakaze, you’ve been leaving your surfboard here without permission, haven’t you? Take it home immediately.
Well, it's the perfect place for air-drying it~ It’s not like it’s bothering anyone if I hang it out here, so it's fine, right?
It’s not fine. We’ve been telling students not to store personal items on campus without permission.
Yeah, yeah. You’re not very accommodating, are you Megane-kun~?
Who are you calling "Megane-kun"? If you really want to store it on the roof, take the appropriate steps…
Look, let’s put that aside, have you seen Transfer student-chan, Hasumi-kun?
The transfer student? No, I haven't. Did you need something from her?
Yeah, kinda~ But if she isn't here, there's no point sticking around the rooftop anymore. I'll be going. Bye bye~
Wait, Hakaze, this conversation isn't over!
Hey, don’t ignore me! Listen to people when they’re talking to you!1
With Madara

Excuse meeee~!
Uwaa, you startled me?! Hey, Mikejima! Knock before you enter a room!
Hahaha, you sound a liiittle like Shu-san.
Aaanyways, your smartphone slipped out of your hand Keito-san.
I grabbed it right before it hit the floor so I don’t think it broke, but… Please check just to be sure!
…… Ah, it’s fine.
Since you picked it up for me, I should at least show my gratitude. Thank you, Mikejima.
You don’t need to thank meee. Aaanyway, I caught a glimpse of your screen when I picked it up. You read books on your phone, huh, Keito-san?
I do so every once in a while, yes. Hardcovers are too heavy to carry around, so I just read them as e-books sometimes, that’s all.
More importantly, you came to the student council room for business, right Mikejima?
What did you need? It’s just me right now, but I can handle almost anything you need on my own.
Well, here. I created a live proposal, so I was hoping you would check to see if it’s good enough!
Hmm… Do you mind if it takes a little while? I want to review it properly.
No problem at aaall~ While I'm waiting, I'd like to read the book you were reading earlier, Keito-san. Could you tell me the title of it?
From the sentence I read earlier, it seemed interesting. Consider me intrigued.
Ah, if you like, I don’t mind if you read it on my phone.
It’ll have to be later, but when I get home I can grab my paperback and lend it to you.
I doubt you’re the type to hold back, but let me know what you think about it.
- ↑ Comic World (which takes place in summer) reveals that Keito ends up doing the paperwork for Kaoru himself.