Keito Substory 1


What kind of business do you have in the library, Transfer Student?

… You seem tense.

Your and Trickstar’s opposition of the student council is an eyesore, certainly, but I’m not so unreasonable that I’d apprehend you whenever we come across each other. I don’t have the free time for it either.

First of all, if the student council were to strike back with concerted efforts, you all would be obliterated on the spot.

Unfortunately, it’d be too much trouble to go to those lengths, so I’m overlooking the matter… I’m simply going along with Eichi’s whim.

The Student Council leads this school. Firm rule and order can only be held up by immovable rules and pride.

The student council is absolute, as is the will of its leader, the president.

Since the president has decided that we should set you all free… All I’ll do is follow that order.

I am Eichi’s right hand. Hands don’t think. I will sacrifice my head for Eichi’s vision.

Personally, I'd like to deal with troublemakers in the academy as soon as possible.

Don’t push your luck, problem child.

You all want to be able to play terrorist and revolution like it’s nothing… Even so, we’ll be overlooking it.

Know your place, and commit it to heart to not incur the wrath of the student council.

The moment the opportunity presents itself and there is justice to be had, my retribution will be relentless.

Honestly, the way Eichi thinks is beyond the realm of anyone else…

Why he leaves such obvious hindrances and obstacles unattended, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s the complacency of a king, but he’s playing around too much.

I get that if all we do is cut the fat and throw it out, the entire body won’t be able to maintain itself.

You all may be ne’er-do-wells. but you’re still students of Yumenosaki Academy.

You’re the blood and cells of the academy, so to speak. If we do away with you just because you're unnecessary, there won’t be anything left.

I get the rationale, but suppose you guys are the cancer cells eating away at the whole body like worms instead...

… Oi. Hold it, where do you plan on going?

I’m not finished talking to you yet. If a story has an introduction, development, turn and conclusion1, we’re only a third of the way through the introduction.

Hmph. It’s certainly true that to speak in the library goes against its moral principles. It can’t be helped, we’ll set aside the proper time to continue this conversation later.

I have piles of things to say to you all— especially you.

That aside, let’s circle back to what I wanted to ask you in the first place… what business do you have in the library?

Hmm, you’re looking for materials to put together a report. Come to think of it, I heard that you transferred here from an ordinary school, hm?

If that’s the case, I’m sure keeping up with classes will be a challenge.

But, dare I say, don’t be this incredibly insolent2 .

This school specializes on the prejudiced culture of the entertainment industry, the logic behind it, just about everything and everything–

The knowledge you’ll get from things like books won’t amount to much.

When it comes to double-checking something, there’s nothing more handy than a “walking encyclopedia” so to speak. If there’s something you don’t get, asking someone else is a good shortcut.

A true intellectual is someone who’s well-in-the-know about who knows what.

Many of the teachers here at the academy are former top idols who enjoyed success and glory in their prime.

Most of the questions you have can be resolved by asking one and listening to what they have to say.

If it's something basic, I can explain it to you.

No, if anything, ask me. You can talk to me. I can show you what you do know and what you don’t know in precise detail.

I wouldn’t consider it “helping an enemy in need” or anything. You get far, far more out of being able to square off against a stronger opponent when it comes to self-improvement, is all.

It’s that sort of thing. You should listen to me, for my sake.

Well, mentally prepare yourself. It may seem like I’m harassing you, but on top of being extensively useful, I'll be having a very very very long talk with you.

Translation Notes

  1. 起承転結 (kishoutenketsu) describes the structure of a narrative. In order, 起句 (kiku) is the introduction of characters and context, 承句 (sho) is the development of the story towards 転句 (ten) the twist, where the story takes an unexpected development, and finally 落ち (ketsu) the conclusion. 序破急 (johakyu) refers to the speed at which events happen.
  2. Interestingly, Keito speaks similarly to Souma in this story, probably because it was so early. 慮外者 is word used for those who disrespected samurai