Hey Guys, Let's Have Some SUSHI!

Happy Elements Staff

Chapter 1

Season: Spring (ES second year of establishment)
Location: Beachside

(Wheeze… wheeze…)

(Hah… hah…)

Hahah. Completely out of breath, arentcha~? You good, Taki-kun?

Yeah. I’m all good~ But who woulda thought this big guy’d take two people to reel ‘em in, huh~?

Runnin’ into you here when I came to fish was one surprise, but…

Taki-kun’s fishing rod snagging that ginormous fish — Now that I didn’t see coming at all~!

Mm-hmm. I was surprised too~?

Genuinely, u~hhh…. Sa… zanami-san? I’m glad you were there~

‘Cuz if it were just me, I definitely woulda been pulled right into the ocean, right~?

Even with two people, we still got our whole bodies drenched in seawater, huh~?

Never woulda thought training my body regularly woulda come in handy for wrestling with such a huge ass fish.

We put our whole bodies into bringing it in, and ended up sopping wet… I was shocked how much fight these big mainland fish have in ‘em too.

Anyways… I wanna bring the fish we caught back with us, but how should we do it~?

‘Cuz somethin’ this huge can’t be put on Sazanami-san’s motorbike, right?

You’re right~ It’s what I usually use when I gotta pick Ohii-san up when we gotta go somewhere, so fish are a bit...

That guy’s just awful. I went through all the trouble of gettin’ my motorcycle license, and he still yammers stuff like, "Riding double on a bike is improper! If I’m going to ride something, I want it to be a horsie!"

And yet, he works me harder than ever now that I’ve got a means of transportin’ him—

… Sorry. Got off track.

If I’d gotten a driver’s license instead of a motorcycle license, we coulda piled this thing in a car and brought it back, but……

Hm~mm. It’d take two people to carry, but that would be tough too~ But I’ll do anything to get this big guy back home, y’know~?

If we had a car, it’d be problem solved… Well, it can’t be helped. Let’s just give in and call a car over here.

I’d told someone I was gonna go catch some fish and bring ‘em back to eat with him anyways, so I’ll give him a call~

Hello? Tatsumi-senpai? It’s Sazanami…

Two days later

C’mon, c’mon, it’s time!

I’ve been waiting forever for the day to come eat that big ol’ fish~!

It got put off for two days, so I was itchin’ to know when it was time, y’know~?

I’m completely with ya. Havin’ to wait two whole days is just too damn cruel, y’’know?

… So. What’re you doing here, Amagi-san? It was me and Sazanami-san who caught the fish~?

I’d heard the entire cafeteria was gettin’ rented out to eat some tasty food, how could I not join in? ♪

‘Sides, I helped a bit too, y’know! When Niki saw the fish get brought in, he was like, "Let's put it on ice and make it a tasty meal!"

And I gave him a lil’ hand carryin’ it to the fridge, so I deserve at least a lil’ bite, don’t I!

Niki… Ahh, Shiina-san. ES’s got an idol who can master the art of making a tasty fish dish too, huh~?

If we’re talkin’ fish, there’s people who can handle and cook it well other than me, though~♪

Anyways, I’m bringing out the food and you’re in the way, Rinne-kun. Stand back!

Ohh~! The huge fish we caught’s been totally remodeled…!

Totally remodeled, huh? I think the fish would probably be more pleased if it was made to look so deliciously cooked~?

Indeed. I thought so when I helped with plating the food, but it looks so delicious, even I can't help but get hungry.

It took three people to carry all those plates, huh? A big guy to the very end, it seems like there’s not just a lotta him to eat but lots of different ways to prepare him too…♪

Hey, Rinne-san. What are you doing here? If you’ve come all the way out here, go ahead and bring over one of the plates, please.

I already told Bukki the reason earlier, so pass! I can't just leave Bukki alone, you see?

The only reason I’m waiting is ‘cuz I was told to, so I don't mind being alone, though~?

Actually, if you need help carrying dishes, I’ll help out~? It’d bother me if I didn’t do anything to help just ‘cuz I'm the one who caught it.

Putting Rinne-kun aside, Shirataki-kun1 is wonderful~ I'm seriously impressed that you managed to catch a fish as big as this for us!

Consider this your welcome party and please take it easy until we bring the food out to you.

I’m just helping Tatsumi-senpai because I wanna. Look, there’s still so much more~♪

It looks like this one here is sauteed, that’s carpaccio2. Teriyaki, nimono3… fried too?

Nyahaha. Everything looks so delicious, I’m staaarving~♪ I wanna hurry up and eat~♪

…… Fufu. As a matter of fact, Niki-san actually hasn’t revealed his trump card just yet.

Trump card?

Oh, speak and it shall appear~ Shiina-senpai’s piece de resistance~♪

Fu fu fu. First we have… sashimi!

I drained the blood out while it was alive and put it on ice, so the delectable flavor will be enhanced beyond compare~ Oooh, I’m drooling just thinking about it!

Wah, it’s glittering! The plating’s so bright and colorful, it’s invigorating~♪

And then…… ta-daa~aaa! With the utmost respect to all that sushi artisans do, I hold before you my sushi platter!


Sushi! Hell yeah, we got some flame-seared ones4, some marinated5…… Bet I could stuff myself silly off this sushi alone ♪

Hold it. Please refrain from snacking prior to when the meal starts. Ibuki-san is the man of the hour after all.

… Taki-kun? You’ve stiffened up since you saw the sushi, what’s the matter?

A cut of fish laid on top6…… Th-This is sushi…??

What about it?

I know this all looks really delicious, and I know you’ve prepared so many different kinds for me, but……!

This sushi’s different from the kind I know~!

Chapter 2

A little while later

Spread the rice along the seaweed and turn it over so the rice is on the mat… place the ingredients on top and then roll it all up...

I'll place the grilled steak on the rice like this, and then on top of that, put—

(Whispering) I can't wait any longer! Can’t we just eat first?!

(Whispering) No can do. I’ve been made to hold back from snatching up the food too, y’know.

(Whispering) Would you two hush down, please. We all decided to observe how Ibuki-san prepares sushi, didn’t we?

(Whispering) I mean, meat’s getting steamed in the tin7, but is this really how sushi gets made~? Wouldn’t it make the meat a little too overpowerin’?

(Whispering) It’s got a real colorful look overall too. The sushi Bukki knows seems real different from the sushi we know...

What’re you guys whispering about? Are you that interested in the sushi I made?

For sure! ‘Cuz that right there’s American sushi, right?

Huhh~, so it’s American. When I went to America for Absolute8, I didn't have any of the local sushi, so I'm kinda curious too~♪

Oh. Everyone was keeping their distance and watching from afar, so I thought you were all freaked out~?

If you think it looks tasty, eat up right away! Look, I've arranged it all nice and pretty too!

I’d like everyone to try the sushi that’s from the land I grew up~

Ahh, come to think of it... I heard that Ibuki-san was brought up in America. So you mean to say… this sushi originates from American cuisine?

Some of these feel less like sushi and more like steak, though. Welp, only way to tell whether it’s sushi or meat is to try it~♪

— On that note, thanks for the meal! (Chomp, chomp, chew, chew)...

Thanks for the meal. (Munch, munch)...

Oh...? When ya look at it, the meat’s what’s most prominent, but the juices and sauces comin’ together with the rice is makin’ it real scrumptious.

And the way the texture and richness of the avocado brings out the entire dish like this makes it immensely delicious as well.

Right~? I'm happy you’re happy~♪

Even though all I did was catch a fish, you all rented out the place and made tons of food for me…

Obviously I couldn't just sit back and watch, yeah~?

And I wanted everyone to get to know the cuisine of the country I was from, so I'm glad I could treat you all to it~♪

(Munch, munch).... I just enjoy bein’ able to cook for others, that’s all.. (Chomp, chomp) I don't feel like I did anything for you in the slightest, but…

If you say so, I'm glad you made sushi for me, Shirataki-kun! (Munch munch)

Niki-san. I think you should choose between talking or eating.

I mean, aren't ya eatin’ too fast? Taki-kun’s gonna eat soon too, so please make sure to leave some for him~?

Here, Taki-kun. We’ve done enough cooking already, so let's just eat together from here.

Your seat’s over here, Bukki! Now, for an especially special offer! Rinne-kun’s gonna fill up your plate, just for you ☆

Nyahaha. I’m the one who made the sushi though, what are you talking about~?

But thankies! 9 I'll scarf it up with the food Shiina-san made~♪

Fade to black.

... We’re already runnin’ outta the sushi Bukki made for us, huh~?

The food that Shiina-senpai made us got whittled down too. If it's tasty, it’ll be gone in a blink of an eye, huh~?

Seriously… Even though there was just so much, where did all the food go off to?

Kiii~dding... It all went in our tummies...♪

If that’s the case, should I make something next? I'll be doin’ somethin’ simple though, if that's cool.

Er… Everyone, aren’t you forgetting something?

Forgetting something…? Like what?

I figured it’d be bad to leave it out at room temperature when Ibuki-san started making his sushi... so I moved it into the refrigerator.

Ah. Then could it be that…!

Yes, that’s right. We still have some of the sushi and sashimi that Niki-san prepared for us left ♪

Wasn’t that supposed to be the main dish?! How’d we forget that ‘til just now?

Gh, what have I done...! I was so invested in Shirataki's sushi I forgot about my own cooking!

Wait, if there's sashimi and sushi, that means... there's still much more left to eat, doesn’t it?! Nice, Kazehaya-kun!

So you’re sayin’ ya did somethin’ like sending Shiina-san’s sashimi and sushi back to the fridge because of me~?

But that just means that I wanna make it up to you with tasty food~!

Yes, I’ve brought it over. Taking another look at it, the flesh sure is glossy and beautiful, isn’t it.

It really is! It totally surprised me earlier, but it’s beautiful when you take a closer look at it, huh~♪

… Yeah. It looks really, really delicious~♪ I wanna hurry up and eat it!

Gyahaha☆ That’s a lil’ brat for ya, look at that hearty appetite ♪

Well, here’s a small dish, some soy sauce, and… Taki-kun, would you like wasabi?

Wasabi’s… waa~ay too pungent, no thanks! I’ll just enjoy the flavors of the ingredients~

Let’s see… The meat of this one looks particularly tasty… This, this one here… And a little bit of this~ I’ll give some to Shirataki-kun and Jun-kun!

Haha, a big thanks from me ♪

Has everyone picked out what they like? Place your hands together and give thanks… Now then, let us say grace.

Thank you for the foo~ood!

Thank you for the foo~ood!

(Munch munch)....♪

(We caught a ginormous fish together, and when I said I wanted to bring it back, they helped me out...)

(They even went so far as to cook for me like this and ate what I made too. Everyone at ES seems like a really nice bunch of people, huh?)

(There's still so much I don't understand, but if I’m able to have fun times like this, the wind’s in my sails~♪)

Translation Notes

  1. A nickname based on shirataki noodles and Ibuki's last name, Taki.
  2. Carpaccio is meat or fish thinly sliced or pounded thin, and served raw.
  3. A nimono consists of a base ingredient simmered in shiru stock and seasoned with sake, soy sauce, and a small amount of sweetening. Nikujaga is a type of nimono.
  4. Aburi sushi, or roasted sushi. You use a blow torch to sear it.
  5. Zuke sushi, usually marinated in shoyu (soy sauce)
  6. It looks like this
  7. Ganganyaki (ガンガン焼か) is usually for shellfish: you steam or grill them inside a tin.
  8. Referencing the Eden climax story Absolute.
  9. He says サンキュー (sankyuu) here.