Scroll of the Elements Prologue
Scroll of the Elements Prologue

O~i, Kanzaki-dono! Kanzaki-dono~☆1
Mm? Oh, Sengoku. You're full of energy as always. However, though it’s said that children will run even on a windy day, you shouldn’t run in the hallway.2
Hm? I'm not a child, am I? I’m already a high school student~
Fufu, in the eyes of the world, high school students are still considered children. And whether you are an adult or a child, you must refrain from actions that cause trouble to others.
Hasumi-dono always scolds me for that, too.
Look. The papers I was carrying were swept away by the wind, thanks to you rushing in.
Ah, pardon me! Here, I'll pick them up~♪
Mm. I’m grateful… That aside, did you need something from me?
Huh? Ah, no, I didn’t have anything in particular! It’s just that when I saw you, Kanzaki-dono, I got so happy that I ran up to you~
What, are you a puppy? However, I'm happy that you’ve become attached to me, as I don’t have much of a relationship with the underclassmen.
Kanzaki-dono, it’s hard to approach you because you always walk around with a sword hanging at your side. You’re also a member of AKATSUKI, the student council’s headlining unit…
It’s absolutely because of things like that that everyone perceives you as an intimidating person.
Are you also scared of me, Sengoku…?
Not at all! I used to think you were a menacing person, but when I talked to you, I realized you were really kind!3
Ah, but is it going to be too annoying if I get too friendly?!
That won’t happen. Let’s continue to get along… Sengoku ♪
At any rate, Sengoku, are you free right now? Hasumi-dono asked me to put up these “posutaa” on the bulletin board.
However, I’m having a difficult time with the amount. I’d appreciate your help.
It is the same for me. We are both blessed with good masters, aren’t we?
AKATSUKI is also on break.
The “Harouin Paatii” S1 will be held soon, you see. Hasumi-dono, or rather the student council, has been extremely busy preparing for it.
It's not to the point where he’s immobile, but it would be troubling if he were to push himself and deteriorate his health.
Therefore, I'm helping out with student council errands in hopes of getting Hasumi-dono the freedom to move a little.
The current bustling of the student council is Hasumi-dono’s own personal matters, so…
Kiryu-dono and I have been told that we can take on individual work in the meantime, or unit work as only the two of us.
However, I feel that in doing so, we’d march on ahead without him. It makes me feel shameful. Could it be because I lack independence?
Ah, I also have a lot of free time when RYUSEITAI isn’t active. We’re similar after all~♪
Is that right? Well, ninjas and warriors might be similar in the eyes of the public, I suppose, but....
…Hm? Forgive me, Anzu-dono. I was about to kick you. Why are you kneeling here?
Are you feeling unwell? Are you okay? Should I take you to the infirmary?
You don't look like you've slept much, Producer-dono. I'm worried that you might be overworked!
If you give us your order, we who serve our “lord”6 will take care of all your troubles☆
Hya!? Eh!? “Don't refer to me as "lord" too much”...? I’d have understood it if you just said it~ I don't like you pinching my cheeks!
Now, now, Anzu-dono. Don't bully Sengoku too much, Buddha is watching.
Hm. Anzu-dono has been asked to do various projects, but has hit a wall...
You came to see the “posutaa'' on the bulletin board in case they had anything useful to reference?
Certainly, there are often “B1” notices, announcements and recruitment listings posted on this particular bulletin board.
There are so many that it would be futile to try peeling them all off, and they would just be put back up again. Even Hasumi-dono is overlooking it at this point.
Actually, the other day, we AKATSUKI participated in the “B1” Quarrel Festival...
We’re not in a position where we can openly regulate “B1”s anymore.
If we were to criticize someone for participating, and they were to criticize us for having done the same, we wouldn’t be able to refute it.
But a lively atmosphere is a good thing, so I suppose it's a mixed blessing.
…Huh? What's wrong, Anzu-dono? Do I have something on my face?
Hmm, “Are you interested in period dramas”...? Does it seem like I am?
It does, Kanzaki-dono. Moreso, you come off as the kind of cringey guy who likes period dramas and samurai so much that he wears a sword just for the sake of it.
Is that right…? Then let me explain just in case, but I have government authorization to wear a sword!7 Look, look, my license♪
The government? Who exactly are you, Kanzaki-dono…?
Anyway, what were you saying about period dramas, Producer-dono?
I like them and watch them often~!
In period dramas, ninjas are usually minor roles or one-off fighters, so I end up a little dissatisfied with their portrayal.
Eh? If there was a period drama that featured ninjas in the spotlight, would I want to appear in it?
I-Is there a proposal out there that looks like it was prepared just for me!?
If that's the case, I definitely want to appear! I won't let anyone else have it because it's my dream!
Fwoohh, my time has come at last~! ☆
Translation Notes
- ↑ -殿 (-dono) is an honorific that roughly means "lord" or "master". It's archaic, which gives Souma and Shinobu an old-timey feel.
- ↑ A proverb from the Edo period. The full proverb is "Children are children of the wind (children will play, even when it's cold) and adults are children of fire (they will get cold, so they stay near fire)".
- ↑ Can he be blamed? Souma broke a table with his sword the day he met Shinobu in Samurai and Ninjas.
- ↑ It's uncertain which job Shinobu is referring to here, as RYUSEITAI had done various big jobs across the summer prior to this event.
- ↑ Both Shinobu and Tetora refer to Chiaki as 隊長 (taichou), or captain.
- ↑ He's using 殿 (dono) by itself here.
- ↑ Japan has very strict regulations on the possession and use of firearms and swords, via the Swords and Firearms Possession Control Law.