Hundred (Chapter 1–7)
Chapter 1

Whooa~! This venue’s suuuper big!
It's seriously too bad we can't go in and see it...! Even the evaluation seems super large-scale!

Fufu. Are you surprised by the scope of this event?
Thunderbolt is certainly a large international corporation, but you and I have just as much financial power to be able to execute the same feats.
If we don't think that we’re capable of doing what an overseas company can do, then I’d worry about our future, mm?
Besides, if I may say so as someone in the same line of business, I don't think it’s acceptable to prepare a facility of this scale just for the sake of 4piece.
It's a gaudy, tasteless structure, built to show off the power of Thunderbolt.

Fufufu, it’s less like the words of someone in the same business, and more like slander at this point!
The way you speak about it makes it seem as if you don’t take Thunderbolt seriously, but you mustn’t critique them. They’re the ones actually arranging and holding the event, after all.
It’s tacky to stick your nose into it too much, isn’t it?
He’s not tacky! Eichi-sama’s always cool!
Hehe. Thanks for the tip. Perhaps I’d gotten jealous that Thunderbolt had caught Tori's interest.
However, I'm also anticipating the proverbial ships moving in1.
Their movements have purpose: it seems that they’re trying to scoop up the talent that ES failed to pick up in my place.
That's exactly why I didn't forbid the members of fine from participating, so I gave Tori my approval for him to participate.
I just didn’t think I’d have to pull out, since I got so busy with ATLANTIS…~2
It's only at a time like this that all sorts of construction issues came up... It really is unlucky.

Please don't be so discouraged. Even if you couldn’t pursue an audition like this one, there is still a place of belonging for you, Young Master.
You only have one body, so it may be best for you to focus on your new business.
Yeah... If I don't get it together, the construction schedule for ATLANTIS might get stopped again3.
I don't know if you truly do wanna do this, but you said you're doing it "for my sake", so I'll support you.
Thank you very much, Himegimi.
This humble Hibiki Wataru will make the best of it and put on a show for Himegimi’s sake.
And so. Please do your best too, Himegimi.
Yeah! Of course! ‘Cuz I won't accept it if you fall behind right from the start!
I'll be rooting you on from the sidelines as well. I hope you'll show off the fullest extent of your true abilities, Hibiki-sama.
— Young Master. It’s about that time.
Eh, already?! Uuu, I wanted to soak in the ambiance of the venue at the very least~
Well, do your best, Hibiki-senpai! You gotta tell me all about your thoughts after!

… Fufu. Himegimi and Butler-san seem quite busy themselves. I must give them my thanks for coming to see me off.
By the way, what are you going to do after this, Eichi?
I'm sure I heard that you have a job you want to prioritize over the auditions.
Yes. I also plan to watch 4piece as an audience member on the other side of the TV, so I'm going back to ES to clear up my backlogged work until nightfall.
But, there's something I want to give you before all that.
You remember this mask, don’t you?4
Yes. I haven’t forgotten it for even a moment. Because this is me and myself.
But... You wanted me to continue being an idol. You accepted this mask alongside that wish, so why have you entrusted it with me again?
It’s something like a “good luck charm”, perhaps.
You always carry out the role I want from you.
But, to achieve the results the organizers of 4piece want, you can’t afford to keep juggling that with your connection with me and fine.
It will certainly be a series of difficult decisions.
I hope you'll see this mask as something that temporarily gives you the free will to make choices for yourself during the 4piece auditioning.
For that time, I want you to forget that you're a member of fine and face the evaluation as yourself.
Of course, after 4piece is over, I'll have you return it.
Thank you, Eichi. I’m sorry to have troubled you.
Should there ever come a point I’d like to act however I want and feel your support, I'll take the privilege to don this mask~♪
Fufu. I figured that because it was you, you'd turn it down and say something like "I'll just accept your feelings”. But it seems that was an unnecessary concern.
Well then, you’ll have to excuse me as I take my leave.
Keito seems to be participating in 4piece too, so I’ll be going over and poking my nose in his business as a breather.
Wataru, I'm not worried about you at all. Do your best until the very end.
Please worry a little, Eichi! That would be lonesome in itself!
Ahaha. I have complete confidence in you, Wataru. Because whether you pass or fail, you'll always be someone I look up to.
Well, I'll go and do a little catching up with an old friend.
Wataru. I’m looking forward to you livening up 4piece as the eye of the storm~♪

(I’m… not nervous, strangely enough.)
(Well, I suppose that would be the case. I'm used to being in the eyes of the public to begin with, so it's no different from usual.)
(Even if it's a place where I'm being evaluated.)

Ohh, you came too, Keito-chin?
I won’t lose to you, y’know~ But we’re both from RhyLin, so I don’t want us crushing each other completely, either.
Yes. I’m also going with the intention to win, so prepare yourself.
We've been battling in live shows since our days at the academy. The format may be different this time, but I'll do it without holding back like always.
We AKATSUKI have just gained success through “Rumbling Heaven and Earth R”5. With that momentum, we'll take over the whole world— everything under heaven in 4piece too.
Ahaha. "Everything under heaven", huh — You’re still influenced by the words from the history program, aren’t you?
Well, there’s no shortage of opponents either.
Mhm. Wataru’s coming from fine to participate too~

N-Nya!? T-T-T-Tenshouin, how long have you been thwere?!
Don’t tell me you’re participating in 4piece too?
You seem pretty astonished, Nito-kun. If things like this catch you off guard, you won't be able to handle an audition full of unpredictabilities, now will you?
Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to conceal my presence. I just got here.
But I caught what you were saying for a bit. You were commenting on the other participants, weren't you?
You heard wrong. It’s nothing more than small talk.
What’re you doing here, anyways? I heard you weren't going to be participating in 4piece...
If you're just here to loiter, do me a favor and go away. I don't think it's a good idea to come and get in my way before I go audition.
Fufu. Don't say that, Keito. Aren’t we close?
It’s like you said, I don't intend to participate in the audition program.
To make the most of what little life I have left, I don't have the time to leave my evaluation to others. I'll be content just watching the tournament of idols from afar.
But, I wanted to give my childhood friend a head’s up.
Head’s up?
Yes. As the head of the ES steering committee, I was the first to know which idols would be assigned to the same venue as you two.
Besides Wataru, it looks like another notable person will be assigned to the same venue as you both.
Taki Ibuki-kun, who has become temporarily affiliated with ES一
Of all the new temporary affiliated idols, he’s the one with the most capabilities.
He may perform just as wellー no, even better than I expect him to.
Chapter 2

“Welcome, everyone! This is the third venue of 4piece– the Twin Rooster Pagoda!”
"From here on out, we will have you square it out in the Twin Rooster Pagoda... Well, that’s what I’d like to say."
"But there’s one aspect of this venue that’s different from all the others."
"In front of the screen before you lay wood tokens6, one for each person. Would each of you take one for me?"

Mm, I’ve made sure to take one.
There seems to be a picture of a bird on the other side of it, though. Could this be a tally?
“Hehe. Seems that you noticed it right away, Amagi Hiiro-kun. How Nice!"
"For those of you who don't know what a tally is, I'll explain. A tally is a board that has writings or drawings on it, that’s then broken apart. It’s used as a receipt to prove that you are the rightful party related to a transaction."
“For our purposes, we'll be using these tallies to determine pairs."
"The Twin Rooster Tower’s competition is a tag-team battle, and so those of you with perfectly matching tallies will compete as partners and be evaluated together as such."
I see. So, I'll be paired with the person who has the other half of the hawk picture.
Anybody! Is there anybody who fits my tally? Whoever has the hawk tally, please speak up!

Ohh, I got the hawk too.
Looks like we’re gonna be partners this time. I’m excited to work with you, Hiiro-chin.
As for me, feel free to call me "Ni~chan" ♪
I only have one Nii-san. Can I call you “Teenii-san” instead?7
Don’t call me “teeny”! I’m self-conscious about that!
Hm? If I’ve upset you, then I apologize. Sorry, “Nazuna-senpai”.
… Hm. Nito and Amagi are paired up? When it comes to something they’ve got in common, they’re both quick to move.
It looks like the picture I took was a peacock…
Who else has the other half of the peacock?

Peacock? That makes me your partner~!8
Mhmhm. These two halves fit snugly together! No doubt about it~♪
You’re Hasumi-san from AKATSUKI, right~?
You’re Taki Ibuki… aren’t you? You know who I am?
That should be my line~? How does Hasumi-san of all people know me?
You’re a temporary affiliate of ES. Because of that, I’ve heard about all of that from Eichi, STARPRO’s representative.
Particularly about you, Taki. I’ve heard that you’re quite the standout in terms of skill, even among the temporary affiliates.
I didn’t think we’d suddenly be put together as a pair, but I have high expectations concerning you as well.
Nyahaha. That’s Hasumi-san alright, well in the know~♪ So, sounds like l’m actually famous around here, surprisingly?
I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations, Hasumi-san~♪ You’re AKATSUKI’s leader, right? So I’ll rely on you for all sorts of things, ‘kay~?
— Looks like Keito-chin found his pair too.
I’ve never seen that person before, though. Was there a guy like that in ES?
His name is Taki Ibuki. He’s one of the current temporary ES idols.
Ahh, he’s the Taki that Tenshouin was talking about… Hiiro-chin, you know him?
Yes. Though I’d call it just a passing acquaintance.
I don’t know what he’s truly capable of, but his physical ability was impressive.9 The way he carries himself makes it seem like he’s fond of martial arts.
I see…~ Keito-chin’s brains meet him in the middle, so it might be a good pair.
But. The most troublesome people in the venue are those two.
This seriously can’t be happening!

Oh, it’s happening ☆
My tally combined with yours makes for the cutest picture of a dove.
Let’s aim for that qualification together, Knight-san~♪
Hold on, Hibiki. We're going to be paired up, and yet you can’t even call me by name?
I recognize your abilities, but there's no way I can synergize with an eccentric weirdo like this. I’m getting worried about what’s in store already!
“It seems you’ve all found your partners, hm?”
“Partners”? We’ve been forced together into pairs, you think we’re going to swallow being “partners” down easy? This has got to be some kind of joke.
Like, for one thing, I heard that 4piece was an individually-centered competition, so why are we being put together into pairs?
Oh, my days! How cruel, Knight-san! I've always wanted to team up with you, you know!
I know you’re not being sincere, you clown…!
“Heheh. Seems there are a few competitors who aren't happy with the tag-team concept, mm?”
“It's hard to give your all in a match that's so dependent on your partner... I suppose there’s some truth to that.”
“However, if I may say this as the chief executive of 4piece — I think it would be most appropriate to have you all be put in pairs given the evaluation criteria of this venue.”
“After all, I want you all to face off against an audience of one hundred people.”
Chapter 3

“An audience of a hundred people”...
… Could I ask what that means?10 When the judges were introduced a second ago, I didn’t feel like there were one hundred people in the judges’ seats.
“So you noticed. Always keeping a good eye on your surroundings, as expected of Nito-kun~♪”
“The judges who I introduced a moment ago are a part of the 4piece review board, and they’ll still be involved.”
“But, when it comes to how the Twin Rooster Pagoda competition works, you will be evaluated by one hundred guest judges.”
I see. So, “an audience of one hundred”... that’s what that’s referring to, then?
“Yes. So how should you tackle the Twin Rooster Pagoda? From here on out, I’ll demonstrate while I explain it to you.”
“On each floor of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, there is a large screen as big as the one that I am being projected on. On that screen is each pair’s Score– which shows the total amount of points you’ve obtained.”
“Do you see where there’s a [0] displayed in the column that says [Nito Nazuna and Amagi Hiiro]?”
Yes. The other pairs all have [0]s marked too.
“This number changes based on the outcomes of the competition.”
“The number of [hearts] given to you by the one hundred judges is key to the evaluation of the whole venue.”
“There are other finer details in the rules, but it’s better if you see it for yourselves.”
“First, let’s have all of the participants make their appeals and introduce themselves to the viewers at home!”
“Will you lead the charge for us, Nito-kun, Amagi-kun?”
It started so suddenly… Are you ready, Hiiro-chin?
Of course. I can’t lie, I feel that the explanation is lacking in regards to what self-introduction I’m being asked for, but...
Getting to be the first ones to do it will be useful for our appeal to the audience. Aira also said that the impression you leave on an audition program is deeply important.
Ooh. You know quite a bit about audition programs, don't you, Hiiro-chin?
Yeah. Aira showed me all sorts of old audition programs. It was like preparation or coaching or something… Either way, he’s shown me a lot of them.
I was lucky enough to work under ES right away, and many of the people around me were from Yumenosaki Academy, too.
So I was moved by the way everyone pushed each other hard to get their chance to debut.
Well, that’s ‘cause Yumenosaki’s special in all sorts of ways, right~?
In exchange for the debut that came guaranteed with enrollment, self-promotion and starting from the bottom was compulsory.
Unlike 4piece, successful candidates aren’t given extensive promotion, either.
But it’s exactly ‘cause of that that it's a rare opportunity to get to appear on an audition program, and that makes it fun.
If you keep up that attitude, Hiiro-chin, you should do fine with 4piece too. Let's keep our cool and make our introduction~♪
Everyone who’s watching at home! I'm Amagi Hiiro! I serve as the sovereign leader of ALKALOID!
I'll do my best to convey my charm during 4piece, so please lend me your support!
“Fufu. What a dignified, unwavering appeal, as expected of Amagi-kun. That’s truly Nice. ”
"Today's theme is making both a self-introduction and an appeal to impress the viewers."
“The fact that you didn't hesitate means that you have a clear idea of how to present yourself."
Hm? I didn’t think that far ahead.
But a world-class producer is skilled at putting idols' charm into words, huh? Thank you, NiceP.
Well then, I’m next up.
I’m Nito Nazuna! I felt as though I wanted to try out being under NiceP’s production in order to draw out my personal qualities, so that why I’m participating here in 4piece!
Thank you for your shupport!
– Gh, I fumbled my words…! And it was going so well…!
“Splendid! Nito-kun’s employed the speech impediment he’s been gradually overcoming, and it seems to have left an impression on the audience!”
Th-Thank you very much…?
Heheh. As expected of Nazuna-senpai. It wasn’t just a flawless self-introduction, but a way to impress the audience with your individuality.
I didn’t plan on doing that, though… Well whatever, it turned out alright in the end, I guess?
Hm? That felt like it had some weight, Nazuna-senpai. Is there something bothering you?
Er, it’s a personal matter. Don’t worry about it.
“Now, then. Now that Amagi-kun and Nito-kun have given their self-introductions and made their appeals, please take a look at the screen.”
“Do you all see where the [heart] emoji is pictured, across from their names?”
“Beside it is the number [60]. This demonstrates that out of one hundred people, a favorable impression was made on sixty of them.”
“In the Twin Rooster Pagoda, the pair with the fewest [hearts] will be announced after the day’s evaluation ends. The lowest placing pair will drop out midway through the evaluation.”
“And then, after six days of appealing to the audience, the pair that makes it to the top of the tower will be able to participate in the live show on the seventh day.”
“I would like for the two of you to work together and advance while earning points.”
"Will the two of you make up for each other's weak points, or will you compete against each other to reach greater heights? As partners, I would like for you to discuss amongst each other and decide."
“Either way, the audience of a hundred people changes out each day, so only those who can make a good impression on each of them can continue to appeal to the end.”
“The theme is– “Satisfy the largest audience”!”
“Together with your partner, prove that you are an idol who can spread love and peace to the whole world…☆”
Chapter 4

The judges are an audience of a hundred people that change out every day?
It seems like a good way to gauge an idol's charm, since it’d be with people who don't necessarily favor them.
Everyone will be judged fairly, regardless of how well-known they are.
I've worked hard on making AKATSUKI accessible to people of all ages, too. All I can do is believe that all that effort will pay off.
Hasumi-san, what’re you grumbling about to yourself? You’re a strange one, huh~?
The other participants have started introducing themselves, so we should get to it soon, right~?
Yeah, of course I plan to. But, you can’t obtain a high score without looking at the whole situation.
So far, Nito's appeal showed off his weakness and made a lasting impression, so we should appeal with that kind of approach, too.
Hmmm? You’ve got all sortsa thoughts in your head~ Hasumi-san.
But, you won't get anywhere if you just think about it. Sometimes it's important to take things head on, y’know~?
Ready to cause a rebellion, ready to pick a fight, I’m the descendant of an oni 11 that can silence even crying children.
Even if it means sending down a rain of blood, I'll get what I want, when I want it~♪
Don't say such disturbing things, Taki. There's nothing to gain in starting an unnecessary fight.
But, you do have a point in what you’re saying too.
There’s no point in being cautious and letting a golden opportunity12 slip by. I hold the same feelings about tackling 4piece. As partners, we need to be in sync.
Mhmhm. That’s good~ Well then, I’ll go~♪
I’m Taki Ibuki! I’m an idol born in Okinawa and raised in America~♪
Nassan invited me to participate in 4piece, so I’m sure very few people know me!
‘Cuz of that, do me a favor and remember me tons from here on out, okay~?
Alright! Hasumi-san’s up next!
(That Taki guy, he gave such an innocuous self-introduction. He was talking in such a disturbing way, I definitely expected he’d do something extreme.)
I am Hasumi Keito. I act as the leader of the Japanese-style unit AKATSUKI.
Yo, you’re the big kahuna!
This time around, as a solo idol, I intend to put all my experience up until now to good use in order to pass the audition.
That’s so Hasumi-san! A declaration of victory! Ain’t that just the coolest~♪
With your support, I–
So don’t miss out on the fight the Taki-Hasumi pair’s gonna put up~♪
… Oi, Taki. Don’t butt into my self-introduction. If you keep cutting in, it'll make it look as if my appeal’s fallen flat...!
Eh~? All I wanted to do was liven up Hasumi-san's introduction, y’know?
But, Hasumi-san's self-introduction was a little too serious and vanilla~ If anything, it might have been better that I cut in?
Who told you to ever do that—...
But it looks like we got a good amount of [hearts], right~?
Maybe Hasumi-san’s serious disposition and my looseness together made us look like an interesting pair~♪
Mnm... I’m not pleased that you interrupted my appeal, but…
It’s not that I can’t understand your point too: I'm the kind of person who takes things too seriously, after all.
Things that are flexible are capable of tying down the strong 13 . Maybe there's something I can gain from pairing up with you.
… Now then. It seems everyone has made their self-introductions.
That just leaves us left, but… how shall we go about this?
Why not go first then?
Your self-introduction’ll probably leave a lasting impression on the entire audience. Since it's a pair competition, the result’ll be decided from the start.
It’s apparently just a demonstration this time, so why don't you go all out and show them what you’ve got?
Are you sure? If I go all out, it will likely blow away the impression you make when you do yours after.
...However, it’s more sound than being told to fall on the sword for the sake of Knight-san’s appeal. Understood.
Now, now, ladies and gentlemen! Please lend me your ear! This unworthy Hibiki Wataru will provide you with the best entertainment!
Allow me to show you a self-introducing appeal that will make you regret closing your eyes for a single second...☆
Chapter 5

"Now then, with that, all of the participants finished their self-introduction appeals."
"In particular, Hibiki-kun’s self-introduction was magnificent."
"He received an astounding 97 hearts—"
"There’s no single person who’s liked by everyone. Even if they're an idol."
"That's how intricate the world is. The tastes of society are diverse and varied, and they don't fit into simple molds."
"If you can earn favor from more than 90% of the audience of a hundred people, I think that's something to take pride in, don't you?"
"At any rate, you’ll make continuous appeals to the audience of a hundred people like this, and at the end of each day, there will be an interim presentation."
"The audition screening of this very venue is about picking out the strengths of each pair throughout and finding out what the audience is looking for."
"As for me, while I’d love to watch everyone's audition until the end, it has been decided for this venue that the lowest ranking pair will be eliminated each time."
"Naturally… “Individual points” will be given to those who are eliminated, so there's no need to feel down even if you’re last."
“I want you all to fight with all your might, as far as the rules allow, until the very end. That is my wish."
"That's all of the explanation I have for you. From here on out, you’ll all be presented with a theme."
"I’d like for each pair to interpret the theme’s contents as they see fit and continue to appeal to the audience of a hundred.”
"Good luck to all of you in the Twin Rooster Pagoda!”
…Huh, I see. So we need to guess what kind of people the audience of a hundred are and act accordingly.
Which means we may have gotten a bit of a late start.
Hm? I don't think so, but...
What area feels dissatisfying for you, Nazuna-senpai?
It’s because I didn't set out for the self-introduction appeal to be favorable a second ago. It just so happened that my speech impediment was appreciated.
Well, we only got 60 hearts. It looks like it’ll be a tight game for us from here on out.
Really? I think everyone, including the audience, withheld their valuation mostly because we were the first to make our appeal, that’s all.
Seeing his reaction and how his eyes shone, I have no doubt that we should be upfront with our appeals.
Ah~ Well, I don't think that person’s reaction is very indicative of anything.
‘Cause NiceP pinpoints an idol’s good points and praises them instantly~ I feel like if I just take it at face value, I'll get burned somewhere down the line.
It’s just that the explanation we heard just now made me even more sure of that thought, I guess, so…
Well, moving on, Hiiro-chin... It looks like the next theme will be announced soon~
Next time, let’s not be the first to go. We’ll wait back a little and see how it goes before we take our turn.
We may be able to see if it’s best that we’re one of the first or the last to make our appeal… Based on the trend, that is.
Mm. I'll follow Nazuna-senpai's opinion.
You have a longer career as a performer, and that makes you more qualified to lead. I don't mind if you use my opinion solely as a reference.
The lowest ranking pair will be eliminated — in other words, it also means that it's fine as long as we’re not last. Let's take our time and build up our popularity.

“Good day, everyone.”
"Nice-kun has gone to the other venues to give his explanations, so I’ll be taking over for a while and announcing the theme."
“I apologize that Nice-kun can’t be here with us, as he’s giving explanations one-by-one by order from the first venue.”
"However, recording will continue even while he’s away, and Nice-kun will also review that footage.”
"You shouldn’t cut corners just because the organizers aren't watching, okay?"
"Well then. I will announce the next theme."
"—'The Demonstration of a Specialty.'"
"Instruments, props, costumes and the like have been placed on each floor of the venue so that you can respond to every theme however you see fit."
"The Thunderbolt staff has put their all into the preparations, and so there are rare items that you wouldn't even find in the shops in town."
"Try to hunt for what you seek."
"What abilities will you use to win [hearts] from the audience? I'm looking forward to finding out, too~♪"
'The Demonstration of a Specialty'! The winds blow in my favor~ What shall we do?
Knight-san. We belong to the same pair, so please make a request~♪
I’ll fulfill any request, no matter how unreasonable~♪ Fire-breathing, tightrope walking, juggling, vocal imitation... please, anything you like~♪
Why do I have to make a request? Just show off a specialty that makes you look the best, right?
Fufu. There are so many choices, I'm having a hard time deciding.
I don't know what the audience’s tastes are yet either, so I think it's fine for you to decide, Knight-san~♪
… Hah. Well, I'm going to do a lot of model poses, so give me a hand, will you?
You're good at magic tricks, right? Like scattering flower petals and tinfoil and stuff... show me you can do that with ease.
Understood~♪ Allow me to help you shine ☆
… Hm. It’s a theme that favors Hibiki and Sena once again. It seems they’re in their element, the both of them are so lively.
What about you, Taki?
You seem to be skillful, so I'm sure you have one or two specialties, but... if you rush to start showing off your appeal, an accident might arise.
Tell me what you're planning to do. This is a strategy meeting.
Nyahaha~♪ You’re being just as cautious as I thought you would, huh, Hasumi-san~?
Well, it’s the first day, so we gotta be on the same page. I’m gonna perform some martial arts.
I see. So we’ll be showing off a dance performance.
I don't know where the audience’s tastes are leaning towards yet. Let’s try anything to see.
Ultimately we’ll need to outclass the Hibiki-Sena pair, which will be a little tricky. But, this is a pair competition as well: I want to believe that there’s an opportunity to win there.
To do that, I need your cooperation, Taki.
Nyahaha. Leave it to me~♪ ‘Cuz I came here to win!
I got no intention of getting outshone by whoever ends up being my opponent, y’know~? You gotta make sure to keep up with me so you don't get left behind, ‘kay, Hasumi-san~?
Chapter 6

Now then, Hibiki and I will start with our 'Demonstration of a Speciality'.
Hibiki, you too. Don’t just stand there, make sure you bring my performance out, okay?
Yes. Though from my perspective, it’s disappointing that the other pairs are so hesitant.
We stole the show in the demonstration a moment ago, so I suppose they want to delay their turn as far back as they can.
I don’t think there’s any point to what they choose in the end, though. ‘Cause I'm destined to win~♪
Here we go. A rapid-fire of 100-model poses in a row…♪
— ♪ (Strikes a pose)

♪ ♪ ♪
What the, what’s that…?
There’s two… Izumi-chins…!?
Nyahaha! What the hell’s happening~? That’s so interesting!
It looks something like a complete double of Sena-senpai… Is this Sena-senpai’s specialty?
(Hold it, Hibiki!? Why are you disguised as me!?)
Huh? There’s two of me?
These model poses are so beautiful, that it looks like I’ve multiplied into two, huh…?
Ahaha. As expected from the supermodel Sena Izumi~♪ The other me is beautiful too~♪
(Even vocal imitation too?! — The hell, don't fool around with me!)
Hold it, Hibiki! I may have told you to make me stand out with your magic tricks, but I didn’t ask you to go that far!
Fufufu. Isn’t it good~♪ Thanks to that, everyone in the venue is paying attention to us~♪
Urgh! Would you quit screwing around already!?
You're just making a fool out of me, aren’t you…! I'm being serious about this!
Oh, please don't be so upset. From what I can tell from the screen, it seems that we’ve earned quite a lot of [hearts].
I fulfilled your request and acted in a way that would genuinely earn us [hearts].
Himegimi couldn’t participate in 4piece, so I also intend to pass, especially for his sake. Let's do our best together ♪
I figured those two would be trouble.
The favorable number they got is weighted lower a little after the conversion, but they're still attracting a lot of attention regardless.
Yeah. It’s to be expected from the members of two powerhouse units. They definitely hold their own in individual matches too.
But we're the ones who’re gonna win, right~? Next is mine and Hasumi's turn~♪
Yes. We can’t fall behind either. Taki, you said you’ll perform martial arts, right? I’ll be painting those martial arts with the sound of the shinobue.14

Nyahaha. I’m counting on you~, Hasumi-san~♪
But I don’t think I can get serious against Hasumi-san, so…
Amagi-san, lemme borrow your body for a sec~!

Taki! What are you doing!?
It's inexcusable to behave so violently against our opposition. What if someone gets hurt!?
I’m alright. He gave notice ahead of time, so there was plenty of time to brace for it.
But if I respond to your act, it won't be just your pair's appeal alone.
It would have been better if you displayed a dance performance to the accompaniment of Hasumi-senpai's flute, so why did you do that?
Hmm~? I never once said that dance performance was my specialty, did I~?
My one strong point is my combat skills! I've gotten in a bout with Amagi-san before, so I thought he'd be up for it~♪
Is that right, Hiiro-chin?
Yes. He came out of nowhere during our club activities before. He launched a surprise attack on me and Buchou.
A surprise attack…? Yet another disturbing thing happening right under my nose, huh?
Oh me, oh my. What a ruthless atmosphere everyone is giving~ Shall I settle the mood back down?
I'll take on any gaze, any criticism, whatever one likes.
Wataru-chin and Izumi-chin’s performance is already over by now. We'll handle it some way or another.
Settling down a rough situation is within the realm of the audition evaluation. I feel bad for Keito-chin, but we're going to take our turn.
Eh~?! Our turn isn't over yet, though~? You’re overstepping authority, ending it however you want! I don’t accept it~!
Stop it. It's a competition based around favorability, so what's the point of fighting to begin with?
Even if you could demonstrate your martial arts skills, using savage techniques will only be a drawback.
Look. We barely got any [hearts] for our appeal this time around.
I was happy to get a chance to fight Amagi-san, though?
We’ve got stuff like bullfights and viper-mongoose cage matches in Okinawa, where I’m from~ It’d be exciting if idols fought too, right?
Or what, I shouldn’t show off my specialty? Idols resorting to violence is a no-go... was it? 15
Yes. It’s against the law in Japan and the United States, regardless of being an idol. There's no cultural difference there.
You should be mindful of your surroundings and stay put for now, Taki.
But if you're showing off your specialties, that’s literally the time to be assertive about it. I don't get mainland culture at all, huh~?
Amagi-san is well-built, and idols are the same kinda spectacle as bullfighting, right~?
I’m doing it while knowing that my opponent won’t get hurt— yet it’s still no good?
(That Taki’s truly a loose cannon…!)
(Can I really win and advance through the rounds of 4piece being paired with such a selfish, restless, brash guy like this…?)

… Let’s get a fresh start, Hiiro-chin.
My specialty is… jumping real high! Let's all try jumping together ☆
C’mere c’mere, Izumi-chin, you do it with us too! We’re former tennis club buddies, right?
Even me? Why the hell…
Hah… Well, I'm not a demon either, so… Fine, I guess I'll do it.
But first off, Nazunyan, are you even able to jump that high? This is the first time I’m hearing about it, though?
Well, just leave it to me and see. You'll get it when we all jump together.
Everyone! Let's jump with a "Ready~set"!
I'll show you I can jump the highest!
Ready, set~!
? Nazuna-senpai. It looked like I jumped higher, didn’t I?
It looked like Hibiki and I jumped higher than Nazunyan too… Is this really your specialty?
I-It’s just a matter of height difference, that’s all! I sprung up further, right?!
Fufufu. My, you're deliberately using your "specialty" to unite everyone around you…!
On top of that, it seems you were considerably well-received by the audience too. That’s to be expected from talent like yours, little bunny ☆
Th-That's not it at aw~wll!
Chapter 7

"Did you enjoy the Twin Rooster Pagoda’s audition, everyone?"
“It must’ve been like feeling your way through a fog, appealing to an audience of a hundred.”
"Amorphous and silent, with only [hearts] to go off of to measure their reaction — I think you all did a great job in such an environment."
"In particular, the pair who made it to the top today – Hibiki-kun and Sena-kun – were spectacular."
"The audience was mesmerized by the classic, stately manner of Sena-kun's appeal, and amazed by the power of imagination that went into Hibiki-kun's appeal."
"Congratulations on such an impressive first place. That was a Nice appeal!"
Thank you. But for us, it's only natural that we'd be ranked at the top.
Yes. It's an honor to receive such praise, but it's still only the first day. If we grow too big of heads now, we’ll encounter trouble with the audition from the next day on.
"Mhmhm. A true professional attitude, alright. The audition has just begun, so who’s to say what will happen."
"Especially since the first day’s audience of a hundred were all likely to think favorably of you."
Likely to think favorably of us...?
“Yes. The hundred people gathered for this round were idol enthusiasts.”
“Because everyone was favorable to you on opening day, we carried on without revealing their identities. However, from the next day onward, we’ll reveal the attributes of the hundred people gathered, and have them evaluate you.”
“This will be announced when tomorrow's evaluation begins. Until then, return to the hotel and get some rest.”
Fufu. We got through the first match. Good work, Nazuna-senpai.
Hey, Hiiro-chin. You don’t have to call me “Ni~chan”...
? You don’t seem to be in very good spirits, what’s wrong, Nazuna-senpai?
I wasn’t calling you “Ni~chan” from the start, so I’m not sure how to respond when you say I don’t need to…
Could it be that you’re feeling hungry after the long day of the evaluation?
No, I’m not that fussy.
But today made me painfully aware how out of my depth I am. All my appeals today backfired, and it made me realize the extent of my incompetence.
Going to college is a relatively “normie” choice from society’s point of view, too. I don't have any specialties of my own that stand out either, so… to be honest, I’ve lost a lot of confidence.
From tomorrow on, it's gonna get even tougher, right~? I don’t know if I can seriously become sufficient competition.
Please don't be so down, Nazuna-senpai.
Even if you messed up with the theme, you still got a lot of [hearts].
Which means your existence alone is what makes you a desirable, highly-favored idol. Please have confidence in yourself.
Eh? "My existence alone” is what makes me desirable...? How should I put this… isn't that a pretty big exaggeration?
No, it's not an exaggeration. I think Nazuna-senpai is amazing!
I-I see~ Thanks, Hiiro-chin. It's a little embarrassing to hear you say that to my face, though…♪
Like you said, it’s not good to be too self-deprecating. The number of [hearts] we got on opening day was about half of the whole audience.
I guess we can just be grateful we weren't eliminated. It’d be pretty scary to get tossed into some weird pit-like trap like the ones you usually see on variety shows.
Yes, the pair in last place dropped to the floor below through the panel that opened under their feet. It seems amusing, I'd like to get a turn being dropped once too.
There are cushions spread out underneath, so I thought it looked like some kind of attraction depending on how you look at it.
O-Oh… I guess that might be true, depending on how you look at it.
But we're aiming to pass, so tomorrow, let's finish the day with a higher ranking.
Mhm. Naturally, I intend to do that.
After all, Wataru-senpai, Sena-senpai, and Hasumi-senpai... For me, they’re all formidable opponents.
With Keito-chin though, I’m not all too sure how far he can keep up with that Taki kid.
Look over there. It looks like Keito-chin is trying to get a feel of how to close the gap with Taki.
Even Keito-chin might be feeling a little overwhelmed in front of the new generation, huh?
Yeah. They were in more of a slump than we were, so I wouldn’t say they have the best chemistry…?
It’s likely that they just couldn’t communicate properly since it was their first time meeting.
Wataru-chin and Izumi-chin dominated on opening day, but the affinity between their pair isn’t quite there, so it seems like the key to the audition is how each pair’s relationship changes over time.
Fufufu! It looks like you and I came out on top on opening day, Knight-san~♪
I won’t allow this result to let my guard down, but what a splendid performance all the same!
… That so?
I’m going back to the hotel, so... See you tomorrow at the site.
Oh? Are we not going to have a debrief, Knight-san?
There’s nothing to really debrief about what happened today.
It should be fine as long as we keep the same energy tomorrow, right? If we make use of your techniques, we should be able to win [hearts] then too.
Besides. With the way you act, it seems like you're here to make a fool out of the audition, and it's annoying.
Oh my! If that's what it seems to you, then I'm dreadfully sorry!
“Life is but a walking shadow, a pitiable actor... Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” 16
—I can perform in a manner that seems serious, but it doesn’t suit the tastes of Knight-san, does it?
That’s exactly what I keep—!
I’m sorry. I made you angry.
I think you, too, are well aware that I am not the kind of person to get attached to things.
We do have to form pairs for the Twin Rooster Pagoda, but 4piece is an individual competition.
We hardly crossed paths, even in Yumenosaki, but happenstance has paired us up together.
As that’s the case, the best course of action is to play the role in a professional, businesslike manner—
Let us both do the best we can. That's the ideal, the utmost ideal...☆
Translation Notes
- ↑ 黒船の来航 (kurofune no raikou, lit. the Arrival of the Black Ships), refers to when American gunboats came to Japan (1853) to force it to open its borders and end its isolationist policy. Here, it's used to symbol the end of isolation.
- ↑ An amusement park project headed by Tori, as mentioned by ATLANTIS and Stella Maris. It is located on a (fictional) island called Hoshijima, in Okinawa.
- ↑ It's mentioned in Stella Maris why these construction issues arise.
- ↑ Referencing an exchange in the story EP:Link.
- ↑ Referencing Heaven and Earth, AKATSUKI's climax story, where they revive a radio show called Rumbling Heaven and Earth into Rumbling Heaven and Earth R.
- ↑ As they're about to explain, wood tokens, slips or bills are split in half. One half is used as a receipt connecting to the other half confirms a transaction was made.
- ↑ Originally ちいにいさん (chii-niisan), a pun on "small" and "nii-san".
- ↑ Ibuki speaks with a lot of tildes (~), and usually ends his sentences with sa~ (an Okinawan dialect), as well as ne~. His first-person pronoun is 吾 (wa~); it’s a slightly old-fashioned, formal pronoun.
- ↑ In Ibuki Idol Story 2, Ibuki ambushes Hiiro and Tetora. This will get mentioned many times throughout the story.
- ↑ Nazuna switches from his usual way of speaking to keigo (polite language) to NiceP here.
- ↑ To learn more about Ibuki's background and his connection to "oni", read 310mc's Ibuki FAQ.
- ↑ The phrase "golden opportunity" comes up in Final Ceremony when Keito and Ibuki request to perform with each other
- ↑ A phrase from judo, roughly meaning the agility of the weak can topple the strong.
- ↑ The shinobue is a type of flute. It's usually played in kabuki and noh theatre.
- ↑ A line from Ibuki Idol Story 2
- ↑ From Macbeth (Act V, Scene 5), boiling down to "life is meaningless".