VS★AUDIENCE (Keito & Ibuki Cut)
310mc (Hundred 14; Epilogue 1, 3) citrinesea (Hundred 13, Influence 9; Epilogue 1, 4)
The following chapters follow the events of Keito and Ibuki in VS★AUDIENCE, picking up off of Hundred Chapter 10. This abridged version has been posted early in light of Ibuki's debut. When the full story is complete, this page will be replaced.
Hundred 11
Second Day of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, Audience: 100 Music Enthusiasts; Theme: Freedom
“Yesterday, the audience was composed of a hundred idol enthusiasts, so they were relatively favorable to you all. However, this might not be the case going forward—”
The audience for the second day will be composed of… “music enthusiasts” !”
“You must all gain the favor of one hundred music enthusiasts!”
“The first theme you will attempt is “freedom” —”
“You can use any means necessary, so I expect a great fight from you all…♪”
Hmph. Seems we’ve got a bit of a challenge up ahead for us...♪
The tougher the opponent, the easier it’ll be for us to get a lead. It’s a good time to make bank on some competition points. Well, Hibiki?
Indeed. Leave it to me, Knight-san.
Before anything else, let's take a look at the instruments Twin Rooster Pagoda has to offer.
I can play all sorts of instruments, so— I’ll make the best of it to accommodate Knight-san’s performance ♪

(Hm. Hibiki and Sena don’t seem to be going for the appeal right away.)
(We’re lucky they went to check the selection of instruments first. If Hibiki, a versatile performer, had taken the lead, the rest of us who follow would come off as inferior, left in the dust.)
(So the second day’s audience is comprised of a hundred "music enthusiasts”, huh—)
(In short, it means today’s evaluation is reliant on satisfying the audience through sound.)
(Of course, the matter at hand when it comes to the evaluations of Twin Rooster Pagoda is receiving [hearts], so it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be particular about the type of music.)
(Just like you can’t let an audience who came to see your live performance go home without playing at least one song, you need to let the music enthusiasts gathered here hear your music too.)
(The question is how and what we’ll perform—)
(Seeing that this is a competition for pairs, it’d be better to have two people perform one song together rather than each of us perform our own individually.)
Taki. There’s a few things I’d like to ask you, but—

Hasumi-san! I’m all set and ready to go~♪
I’ll be playing the guitar, so you follow my lead!
We’ll do an AKATSUKI song of course...♪
♪! ♪! ♪!
Wha!? He’s already beginning to perform…!
(Free and unconventional, but somehow it sticks in your mind...)
It couldn’t be… you’re playing… “A Thousand Blossoms, the Night of Crimson Moon”, aren’t you? 1
It's a largely different take on the original song, so I didn't recognize it immediately, but there's no doubt about it. Why are you able to play this song...!
I told you, didn’t I~ That I’m gonna play an AKATSUKI song?
None of the other pairs have started performing yet, y’know~? This is a golden opportunity, so why don't you play along with me, Hasumi-san? ♪
Look, look! That’s a shamisen over there, right? Jam sesh with me~♪
You…! Have you no consideration for where I stand…!
Got it. I’ll just play the shamisen, then…!
(... Hmph. Taki’s proclivity to just act on his own is an inconvenience.)
(He just starts appealing without thinking… Doesn’t he get that there’s “music enthusiasts” of all kinds out there?)

(That being said, this is the first time I’ve heard A Thousand Blossoms, the Night of Crimson Moon sound like this.)
(The song does use the electric guitar, but the unique way Taki plays it makes it sound innovative.)
(The shamisen part completes the arrangement perfectly, so it must’ve taken some careful thought and practice by that Taki guy.)
(Taki, it’s just like Eichi predicted. You seem to be someone who’ll rock the boat of this competition...♪)
“… Oh ho. The blending of Western and Japanese influence in the Hasumi-kun-Taki-kun pair’s performance makes it quite interesting.”
“As it’s only the beginning of the second day, the judges seem like they’re being conservative with the [hearts] they’re giving out.”
"Still, even taking that into account, these two managed to gain a considerable number of [hearts]."
"Hasumi’s quick response to Taki's improvisation was Nice!"
Hundred 13
Second Day of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, Audience: 100 Music Enthusiasts
Nice announces the results of the second day in this chapter. Wataru and Ibuki place first. Keito and Ibuki place after Wataru and Izumi.
“Next is the Hasumi-kun-Taki-kun pair, hm? Congratulations.”
“Taki-kun was daring, but moreover, Hasumi-kun, wrapped around his finger…”
“The two of you seem to make an interesting duo befitting a variety show, and the way you played off of each other gave off its own charm.”

I see. Nassan keeps a keen eye on things, huh~?
Looks like me and Hasumi-san have an unexpected affinity with each other~♪
Put yourself in the shoes of someone who covers for you. I felt like I was clinging on for dear life.
“Hehe. It seems you’re gradually getting to cooperate with each other better. If you show that that virtue will serve you well in the coming days, I’ll be glad for it.”
Hundred 14

At the end of the second day of the audition, Keito and Ibuki join Nazuna and Hiiro at the hotel to discuss strategy on surpassing Wataru and Izumi. On their way over, Keito warns Ibuki not to run and hurt himself.
With your physical ability, you probably wouldn't get hurt if you ran a little, though.
What you can do and what others can do are different. You also learned that in the Twin Rooster Pagoda, didn’t you?
That’s right~ That’s why I find Hasumi-san real interesting too, y’know~?
He’s got something I don’t, so even just listenin’ to him talk is fun~♪
The same goes for you and your “Nazuna-senpai”, right Amagi-san?
Yeah. The evaluations for the Twin Rooster Pagoda venue — like the two roosters that decorate the pagoda illustrate, you can discover a lot of different things by bringing two personalities together.
As someone who ordinarily works in a four-person unit, I’ve never really been cognizant of that.
There's more conversation between Keito, Ibuki, Hiiro and Nazuna. Then, Hiiro brings up that despite the fact they'd just met each other, Ibuki and Keito's performance meshed well together. AKATSUKI gets brought up.
It might be as Nito said. During the evaluation, you get so concerned with the theme and the audience, you don't consider your partner enough.
Taki and I had both just met each other, so we were still feeling our way around each other.
Despite that, I think Hasumi-senpai and Ibuki's ensemble fit together perfectly, though!
I heard that Ibuki had known about AKATSUKI before this, but he seemed to know quite a lot about it back there. Did you know of them while you were in America?
Ah. I was wondering about that too.
AKATSUKI is a Japanese-style unit, but how is it being received by foreign audiences?
Could it be that AKATSUKI has come into fashion overseas…?
Nyahaha~ It’s not like that at all~
It might be popular in places I don’t know of, but I haven’t heard much about it~?
I’m from Okinawa, so I just happened to hear AKATSUKI’s music~2

It's disappointing when you say it so directly like that…...
But if you think about it pragmatically, I suppose that makes sense. It’s wishful thinking to assume that idols who are mainly active in Japan would have equal appreciation in America and the like, isn’t it?
Just like Japan and its idols, America has its own idols in America.
But every once in a while, idols who transcend borders will turn up, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all rule.
Though, it's rare for Japanese idols who are satisfied with their work in Japan to aim for overseas~
They have a conversation about MELLOW DEAR US, and the gaps between the pairs in the audition. Nazuna wonders aloud what he and Hiiro could do to get to know each other better and improve their compatibility as a pair.
I think there was a hint in the conversation Hasumi-senpai and Ibuki were having.
For instance, what if I listened to a Ra*bits song and Nazuna-senpai listened to an ALKALOID song?
The songs of our units, in other words, represent our thoughts and feelings.
Just like how Ibuki learned about Hasumi-senpai through an AKATSUKI song, I feel like we can deepen our understanding of each other through each other’s songs.
Influence 6
Fourth Day of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, Audience: 100 Foreign Tourists; Theme: An Appeal in Place of a Greeting
The participants must appeal to a hundred tourists from abroad. Wataru and Izumi choose to incorporate many different foreign languages in their appeal.

Grazie mille!! 3
Phew, we did some real good work.
Now let’s see. We got……— 62 hearts!?
Th-This has to be a mistake…! My beautiful looks with a score as low as this…!
I don't think the evaluation is based on beauty alone. Though, it seems that today's audience has a different perspective than the ones before.
Were they looking for something different than what we’ve prepared for them?

Nyahaha! They’re tourists, so duh~?
If you’re playing to the overseas crowd, you should find a way to make stuff unique to this country easy to understand~
Also, getting a shoddy greeting in a foreign language is just gonna be seen as shoddy communication~♪
Hah? Are you bad-mouthing your senior? You’re cocky through and through.
But I don't think the strategy I was talking about was wrong? If you want proof, just take a look at Hasumi-san's appeal.

“Everyone. Now, I will be demonstrating one of my specialties: kyudo.”
“Taki. If it looks like any words and phrases are confusing the audience, could you help explain it so they can understand?”
“Nyahaha! Leave it to me!”
“This is a yumi, or a Japanese bow. I suppose it’s surprising how much longer it is than a Western-style bow, isn’t it?. Using this, you shoot a distant target by clearing your mind of every thought.”
“This – kyudo – is one of Japan’s military arts.”
“Now then, watch closely.”
What splendid ability, Keito-kun. Right on the mark on the first try......♪
Whew, that’s Hasumi-san alright~♪”
“We’re not done just yet. Here’s a second arrow– a third arrow too–”
Uwah~ Keito-chin’s so proficient.
We should use that as reference for our appeal when the time comes, but let’s see what we should demonstrate to begin with.
If that’s the case, I could try giving archery a shot too.
Nazuna and Hiiro proceed to do hunting archery, with Nazuna throwing balls as moving targets for Hiiro to shoot down.
Hm… Even though they based their decision on what we’d done, it’s still an impressive skill.
Looks like I totally gave the two of them a hint, huh~?
It coulda been our chance to get a lead, but I tend to say things inadvertently like that, huh~
No, it’s not as if you did anything wrong. Besides… give the monitor a look.
We made out with 76 hearts, while Amagi and Nito earned 72.
Hunting is actually more popular outside of Japan. The excitement of being able to see a Japanese bow in such an elegant building probably led to a more favorable impression.
Huh, I see? I didn’t think of that!
Could it be that you showed off your kyudo anticipating that? As expected of Hasumi-senpai.
Heheh, this is just how we do things~♪
Good grief, you’re getting carried away…
But let’s keep up this pace for the next one too.
Hmm. You're planning on performing a sword dance next, aren't you?
Hmph, who do you think I am? This is my chance to show off the skills I've honed as part of AKATSUKI: taking the traditional performing arts and evolving them into something one of a kind.
Influence 9
Fifth Day of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, Audience: 100 Elementary SchoolersWhile Izumi & Wataru and Nazuna & Hiiro have been working on their appeals the past few days, Keito & Ibuki work on theirs, earning enough to make it to the final round.

We did it~! We got a pretty high score, didn’t we, Hasumi-san~♪
Yeah. Seems like we got… 78 hearts.
Even so. Your face is too scary when you’re in the presence of little kids? If I hadn't been tickling Hasumi-san, they all definitely woulda cried and peed their pants~!
Gh, you’re incorrigible…..!
There it is! Hasumi-san’s “Incorrigible”!
Nyahaha, one of your great points is how fast you go through different expressions! So you’d better show it off more~?
C’mere, smile, smiiile~♪
…… Taki. Next, it's your turn to be the butt of the joke.
The stage is thinning out, so let’s go!
Wawah, hold on, Hasumi-san! Do you take me for a cat or somethin’!? If you grab the scruff of my training uniform, it’s gonna stretch out~!?
(I can't stand being teased... but Taki's unexpected behavior is a boost for our pair.)
(We’re certainly still rough around the edges, but the fact is I’m looking forward to the next performance with this guy a little too.)

(All that's left is the performance on the final day. If Taki and I put on the finest performance we can together... we might be able to get a higher score than I thought)
Hey, Hasumi-san. The song’s about to start~?
Yeah. I'll give my all with what little time we have left here.
Right! Let’s keep up the pace we’ve got going~♪
Epilogue 1
Sixth Day of the Twin Rooster Pagoda, Final Show, Audience: 600 Audience Members
It's the final day, and the participants take the stage.

Hm-phh. It seems like everyone’s having a little fun somehow~?
It's like they’re writing us off or something! This is a serious situation~!
From opening day up until yesterday, we’ve been the ones getting consistent favorable impressions from the audience. Right?
Well we've made a good impression, but we haven't been given a score that stands out above the rest either. I guess you could call it "footage that makes the final cut." That's what we're lacking.
But. Whether we like it or not, this is the final stage. To make sure we’re left with no regrets, we’ve got no choice but to give it our all.
Taki. I sincerely want to thank you.
Huh? Me…?
At first, I wasn’t sure what would happen. But as our battles stacked up, it began to become clear who you are as a person.
Naturally, I don't think I'm seeing you in your entireity, but… Taki Ibuki looks like a loose cannon, yet he’s thoughtful and prudent. He’s like a cold-hearted monster who seems like an innocent child.
Hey~ That feels like slander~? My lawyers’ll be hearing about this, y’know~?
Haha, lay off the joke. That’s what made it a truly fun time pairing up with you. Maybe this is what I wanted to get out of 4piece.
How about you, Taki?
Mnn~ All I wanted was to follow Yoshihide’s… Nassan’s footsteps and become an idol, but~?

A song that makes you think of Japan, nostalgic— It was unforgettable, even across the ocean.
I never dreamed I’d meet the bizarre idol who belongs to the AKATSUKI that sings that song here, in this place~♪
Nyahaha, I’m the one who should be thanking you! Hasumi-san~♪
…… Yeah.

Hey, look, that kinda turned into something like a final goodbye, but the audition isn't over yet~! We gotta show our true potential...☆
The battle starts here! Let's go fight and get what we want, ‘kay~?
Heheh. You always burst out in song so suddenly……
But, this time I’ll get in line with you and sing and dance. Here we go…!
(Forgive me, Hasumi-san. I told a lie~?)
(At first, following in Yoshihide’s footsteps was the reason I went through these matches and competitions! But now, what I really want is…)
(... Nyahaha, Life is fun, ‘cuz you never know what’s going to happen~ Dontcha think~♪)
Epilogue 3
After the filming ends, Kuro and Souma meet Keito at the dome pathway to pick him up.
Hasumi-dono~! You did a wonderful job…♪
Yo. Good work~♪
Kanzaki? Kiryu too…? What’s wrong, what made you come here?

Hah…? ‘Course we’d come to pick ya up. Lil’ Miss got ‘n contact and let us know the last round was just finishin’ up.
Yes. We saw Hasumi-dono’s great efforts on the broadcast, but we wanted to be the first to give you our thoughts~♪
There sure were a lotta great scenes, weren’t there? Made damn sure to record it too~♪
I never woulda thought that Taki guy coulda possibly known any AKATSUKI songs, though. It felt pretty damn weird hearin’ someone else perform our songs.
There’s plenty more we’d like to talk with you about. Come, let’s hurry back home~♪
Heheh. I had something to tell the both of you too.
Lemme guess. It was when the audience was a hundred elementary school kids ♪ The look on yer face when that happened was just too…—
No, it’s not that.

It’s something that concerns the both of you too. It’s about Taki Ibuki, the person I paired up with in the Twin Rooster Pagoda…
Epilogue 4
In this chapter, Seiya, Nice, Akiomi and Jin give their evaluations of the participants. Nice asks who wants to go first, and Seiya jumps in.

Well then, I’ll jump in with my critiques this time.
Ohh. It’s unusual for Seiya-san to raise his hand first…?
Haha. If a super idol takes the lead on this, there’ll be nothing left for us to say, huh Akiyan?
Heheh. Hidaka-daisenpai4 was very enthusiastic about the evaluation of Twin Rooster Pagoda, so I’m interested in what critiques he’ll give to the idols.
Of course, I haven’t forgotten about the other venues, you know.
Here in the Twin Rooster Pagoda, the competition was carried out in pairs, so the interpersonal relationships that are essential to the recent unit-system were required as well. I was interested in it too.
Well then, shall I begin my critiques?
First is Keito-kun.
He relied on his knowledge and experience to handle everything carefully, but it seemed like everything ended with very little trouble
He’s level-headed compared to other idols his age, so I had high hopes for him, but…
His intense seriousness worked against him too, so I feel that it was a bit of a waste.
Next, Ibuki-kun.
His technique’s unrefined, but his natural physical ability and ability to learn quickly shined through.
He drags everyone into following his own pace without getting daunted by the senior idols... I never got tired of watching him take the lead so boldly.
That’s right. If I were to produce a unit, I’d wanna put someone like him in it.
Heheh. I feel the same. When I’d come across him in America, I thought the talent he’d shown was befitting of a solo idol, but I feel as if I’ve seen a new side of him.
And this is the end of the Keito & Ibuki cut of VS AUDIENCE! Read the conclusion of Keito & Ibuki's story in Final Ceremony here.
Return to the main VS AUDIENCE directory here.
Translation Notes
- ↑ A Thousand Blossoms, the Night of Crimson Moon (Hyakkaryoran Akatsukiyo) is this song by AKATSUKI.
- ↑ Referencing the fact AKATSUKI performed in Okinawa during the SS Preliminary Rounds in Submarine
- ↑ "Thank you" in Italian (lit. a thousand thanks)
- ↑ 大先輩 (daisenpai) is an honorific used for someone who's way older or significantly more experienced than you.