Scroll of the Wind
Chapter 1

Mhmhm… I see! I understand perfectly!
In short…— you want to discuss Carranger, Sengoku! – No! Is it Ninjar?
Or Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya– Wait, I got it! Maybe Henshin Ninja Arashi…!?
No– is it possibly Science Ninja Team Gachaman…? Which is it? Which one do you want to talk about Sengoku?!
Sengoku, what language has this person been speaking in?
It’s probably Japanese, but you don’t need to pay attention to what Taichou-dono’s saying right now.
Frankly speaking, he’s saying things that don’t make a lot of sense.
nn~ it’s noisy, isn’t it…~?
Oh–! Buchou-dono!1 I see that you’re in a good mood as always~♪
actually, i’m not~ today was supposed to be a [day off]2, but we were [called in] anyway~ i’m annoyed~
Now, now, don’t say that!
Let us rejoice together, Kanata! That shy Sengoku raised his voice and said “I want to participate in this project!” all by himself!
Ahh, I’m so happy…! Today will become a day to remember for RYUSEITAI…☆
No, umm, Taichou-dono… Wasn’t I a little too assertive by asking that…?
Ninjas are my own personal interest, after all.
I feel a little sorry to make everyone in RYUSEITAI go along with it.
you’re so reserved, shinobu ~ It’s one for all~♪
And all for one! That’s RYUSEITAI! Fwahahaha!☆
If anything, everyone usually goes along with my principles, so...
I’ve been wanting to prioritize what everyone else wants to do every once in a while.
it’s not as if we’re being forced to [go along with you], chiaki~ because for me, i am doing what [i want to do].
Ahaha. When you say it like that, it saves me some face, but…
Takamine, Nagumo — Follow Sengoku’s example. If there’s something you want to do, say it without any hesitation! I will always welcome it! ♪
Something I want to do… Okay then, can I go home already…? ♪
I knew you’d say that! I just knew you’d say that!
Midori-kun, weren’t you complainin’ that you’re bored ‘cause there’s no RYUSEITAI activities?
If you’re gonna sit at home with too much time on your hands, then you might as well face some difficulties!
Speaking of which, I wanna do something like Taishou did the other day in the Quarrel Festival!
It was so manly and sparks were flyin’ everywhere from the clash! I was so jealous~♪
Yeah. We weren’t really able to participate in the Quarrel Festival beyond livening up the crowd… It might be a good idea to do it properly.
I’ll take note of that opinion.
[quarrel festival] was violent. i [didn’t like] it…~ fighting is [no good]. can’t we get along instead?
Heh. Sometimes exchanging fists is also part of friendship, Buchou-dono. A true blade is forged by striking it over and over again until sparks fly…♪
speaking as if you understand… well, [what happens next] matters more than [what has already happened]~
shinobu, what sort of [dreamfes] do you want to [participate] in?
Errr, well… Anzu-dono has prepared copies of the proposal and announcement posters for everyone, so I’ll hand them out ♪
I’ll help you, Sengoku-kun~ Anzu-Anego, thank you for your hard work ♪
Hmm… Is this request coming from outside the school? An unveiling ceremony for a new attraction at a tourist spot…
“If possible, we would like multiple popular units to appear.”
So since it’s a unit-based job, Sengoku couldn’t do it on his own, and he came to consult me...
Achieving this goal with this budget seems like a challenge, though.
Aaah… so it really is impossible…? Anzu-dono was also really worried about what to do, given that it’s such an unreasonable request on her~
Heh. Never fear, Sengoku– An ally of justice makes the impossible possible!
Um, AKATSUKI’s… Kanzaki-kun, right? Could I have a moment with you?
Mm? Me? That’s fine, say whatever you want.
Yes. Would it be possible to wedge AKATSUKI into this project?
If Hasumi were to have a hand in this, I know he could make even an impossible plan come to fruition.
If the student council were to authorize it as an official DreamFes, we’d be able to get additional funding. That’s a feasible way we could make it happen.
Your presence here is somewhat like fate. I’d be glad if we could have your cooperation.
I see… I too want to make Sengoku’s dream come true. I’ll try and put in a good word for him.
Hasumi-dono is a little busy right now, so I don’t want to burden him too much.
But Hasumi-dono is a person deeply filled with compassion and virtue. Even if he can’t fully get involved, I'm confident he will offer some insight.
I will rush to the student council room to speak with him at once–!
Wait. We might as well go together since Hasumi and I get along too. Anzu, please come with us as well. You’re in charge of this project, aren’t you?
And Sengoku, you too. You’re the one with the most enthusiasm for this project. If you’re with us, it’ll be easier to persuade Hasumi.
Indeed. After all, Hasumi-dono is an empathetic soul! I see you understand him very well ♪
We’re classmates, after all. As for everyone else, I know it was a lot of trouble to come in and I’m sorry for that, but… it's okay to call it a day and disband for now.
I’ll keep you updated if there’s any progress.
No way, I’m coming with you too! It might be a nuisance if too many people crowd the room, but since I’ve got no club activities today, I have some free time.
– …C’mon, Midori-kun, don’t just go home, ‘kay~?
Ehh…? Didn’t he just say “disband”…?
now now…let’s all go [together], midori…~
the five of us together make [ryuseitai]. as long as everyone is there, any [miracle] can be performed ♪
Chapter 2

Hm… I see. I get the gist of it.
Eh? You could understand the situation with such little explanation? As expected of Hasumi-dono~♪
Don’t be too liberal with flattery, Kanzaki. It’ll make you look cheap.
At any rate, day after day…
Like Prince Shotoku3, I work on multiple proposals at the same time, making adjustments while listening to a variety of opinions.
This much I can do with ease.
Morisawa had a clear grasp of the proposal’s outline and its main purpose. Even a monkey would understand it if it heard from this guy and filled in the gaps on its own.
Fwahaha! I don’t really follow, but I can tell you’re praising me! Thank you, Hasumi…☆
I’m not praising you. It’s just a simple fact. Nevertheless, don’t make too much noise in the student council room.
It’s partly my fault, but these days the student council seems to be looked down upon.
Just thinking of people perceiving us as a group of idiots makes me angry, so we have to buckle down. We have to maintain order in a disciplined, serious fashion.
We’ll just lose face if we take initiative and make a ridiculous scene.
The way you word things is a little tricky, Hasumi… To put it simply, what do you mean by that?
This project is about ninjas rampaging through a castle.
It could turn up looking something like foolish horseplay. Given AKATSUKI’s focus on strict, traditional performance, do you think it’ll even be possible for the concept to fit in with AKATSUKI’s image?
If possible, I’d like to do something like a joint live performance between RYUSEITAI and AKATSUKI, but...
I can't force you. If you guys say no, then that's that.
Did you forget that the other day, we were the protagonists of the raucous commotion of historic proportion called the Quarrel Festival?
Tradition is not just about adhering to the formal and strict relics of ancient times.
Ukiyo-e, now highly regarded around the world, was originally considered to have as much artistic value as tissue paper.
It became an art from the changes of the period and the efforts of our predecessors.
In a former age, TV, games, and even idols were ridiculed and looked down upon as tacky.
But now their statuses have risen, and they’ve all become major industries.
Now, in our modern day, even the things that are looked down upon as vulgar or commonplace... With time and effort, they become art.
For future generations, it may even be appreciated as part of traditional culture.
Ninjas… Aren’t they splendid? Since it has an air of Japanese style, we can incorporate it within the context of AKATSUKI.
It will strengthen the approachability that we lack.
Of course, it won’t be easy… but if done well, I think it would be a mutually beneficial proposal.
I’ll formalize some official paperwork, approve it as a DreamFes, and formulate a budget.
I’ll have to adjust my schedule as well… and contact Kiryu…
He gets into some surprisingly bad behavior when he has free time on his hands.
Hm? What’s the matter… Sengoku, is it? Is there something you want to say?
No, um… So, you like ninjas? That’s unexpected~♪
There is no boy out there who doesn't like ninjas or dinosaurs.
I heard that you're hosting a Ninja Association of some kind. You are the lord of one country and one castle. Since you manage it without the help of anyone else, be more resolute.
Isara’s been worried, so even though club activities are just a hobby, you should give it all your might.
Ah, yes! This time at least, I’ll do my best to move everything forward~♪
Yes, keep at it. The same goes for this project — If we say it was done with the full cooperation of the Ninja Association, it’ll be a part of its records.
Since I’ll be drafting documents along those lines already, I’d like you to prepare necessary materials.
We’re already halfway into this school term, so I suppose you can’t expect any new members, but...
You're a first-year student. If you create a track record now, you’ll have that next year and circumstances will change.
It's an investment into the future. Depending on the results, it could serve as a good promotion for your club activities. So, well, make sure to work hard.
I understand! Uwaaa, I'm so happy! You're thinking about me properly~♪
Hmph... Since this is your own project, lead it, and consult with Morisawa throughout.
Kanzaki, as AKATSUKI’s representative, you will cooperate with RYUSEITAI and ensure things go smoothly.
As you know, I'm fairly busy. As we speak, my overall progress is slowing down.
I want to leave things to you when I can.
I'll practice properly and make sure it's perfect by the time of the actual performance, but I don't want any extra work in the meantime.
Kanzaki… You can’t rely upon me and Kiryu forever.
Sometimes it's good to be the man in front. This time, the fate of AKATSUKI is entrusted to you.
Don't get too reckless, or it’ll just cause trouble for everyone. Try your absolute best, you can do it.
M– Mm! I will do my best!
Oh, my blood is searing! Cheer for me, Sengoku! I have been entrusted with a role I’ve never had before!
Please tell me anything, I will fully cooperate as the leader of AKATSUKI! ♪
Yeah! If it’s Kanzaki-dono, it’ll be like I have the power of a hundred people helping me~♪
You two are good friends, huh... Well, that's all for now. Start moving quickly. Before you know it, time will pass and it’ll be the day of the actual performance.
I'll take care of my work as soon as possible and join you when it’s done.
Mm! It's time to conquer, and the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step! Kanzaki Souma, pushing onward...☆
(Heheh. He's so excited, that Kanzaki).
(Up to this point, Kiryu and I have done everything in AKATSUKI. It’s not his fault, but… unfortunately, in all that time, that guy never really had to bear the brunt of anything).
(We won't be here next year, so Kanzaki must study hard so that he can stand on his own when the time comes).
(Ah, I can't help but tear up... I wonder if this is what it's like when your children become independent).
(I feel lonely, but I'm proud. Do your best, Kanzaki, I'll always be on your side).
Chapter 3

Alright. For the most part, it’s coming together.
The name of the DreamFes is “Scroll of the Elements”, and it’ll be a joint live performance between RYUSEITAI and AKATSUKI.
The theme is “ninjas”. It seems they want to do a tie-in with a movie if possible.
Due to copyright issues, we can’t really use movie lines verbatim, but...
Well, design-wise, we should keep to the theme as best we can.
The performance doesn’t need to be a musical-esque narrative either.
Regardless, I'm sure fans of the movie will come to see it, so I'd like to take the initiative to incorporate its trademark lines.
The DreamFes venue is a tourist spot that recreates the world of period dramas. It gets used for movie shootings, too.
Additionally, the sponsor will be the event organizers at the site.
The organizers have the personnel and know-how to manage stage production, so we can just give our input and leave it to them. Hasumi and I will handle the negotiations.
The purpose of the live show is to attract tourists to the venue and promote newly opened attractions and facilities.
Admission will be free. It seems that the profit will come from limited-edition merchandise.
I’ll leave the preparation of goods and the like to Anzu. It’s her specialty, and she seems to have connections.
I’ll also ask Anzu to handle discussions about the goods. If you have any trouble, Anzu, Hasumi and I are willing to help you.
I want you all to tell her your opinions about the kinds of merchandise that would work.
When it comes to merchandise, how about yuru-characters…?4 ♪
Anzu-san, what kind of mascot characters does the tourist spot have…? Every tourist spot has one these days…
Ah… A cute ninja called “Hanzoumon”...? As in, Hanzou-mon?
It’s like a vague combination of the names of the famous ninja Hattori Hanzou5 and the famous yuru-chara Kumamon, huh…? ♪
Ah, Takamine, sorry. Your captain is talking right now, so please be quiet.
Ehh...? Even though you never listen whenever I tell you to shut up...?
Ahaha... Anyway, most guests at tourist destinations aren’t usually interested in idols.
Of course, our fans will come to see us, but for the most part, the audience will be the general public.
There will be a lot of older people who don't know about the unspoken etiquette of idol concerts, so...
We’ll have to be careful about how we present ourselves. Be mindful of your words and actions and be considerate. Give thorough explanations.
If things go well, we'll be able to attract new fans out of the people who don't normally have anything to do with us. Good luck, everyone. Hip, hip, hooray! ♪
Hip, hip, hooray! ♪ I'll check with Hasumi-dono, but I don't think there's any problem with AKATSUKI going in that direction.
Now that the outline has been decided, I would like to work out the specific content of the “raibu”6.
Sounds good. Sengoku is the one who knows a lot about ninjas, so I'll leave it to him from here on out.
Ah~... I'm a little worn out after such a lively discussion. I'm parched.
I've made some tea, so please help yourself. There are also teacakes I’ve made by hand.
souma, you’re getting [better and better] at cooking, aren’t you…~?
Cooking aside, I’ve practiced conducting tea ceremonies since I was a child. It's a samurai tradition...
Though, I don’t feel that it matches the Western-style atmosphere of “Gaaden Terasu”.
Chapter 4

Anyway, everyone, help yourselves to some refreshments.
Wow! Thank you so much~ I used my brain a lot today, so it’s craving sugar~♪
I am the same way. I should try to think for myself without leaving things to my seniors more often… However, they say that it's difficult to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one.
ahaha. as a [senior], i would like you to try [thinking] for yourself a little more.
[leaving everything up to us] entirely is a lot of [responsibility], which is [frightening].
Yeah. I think so too.
But Kanzaki-kun is a second year student. He has solid opinions, a lot of experience, and he’s reliable. His input was pretty helpful.
Thanks to him, Scroll of the Elements is coming together surprisingly smoothly.
Haha, I feel somewhat bashful. Kiryu-dono is delayed in joining us, and Hasumi-dono can't take his hands off student council duties, so...
As the representative of AKATSUKI, I shouldn’t do anything embarrassing.
how admirable, souma. good boy, good boy…♪7
Huh? Buchou-dono is extremely kind today…! But he always treats me rather harshly, so it's actually kind of scary…?
No, but I understand that the usual is a matter of tough love!
ufufu. if you always acted [seriously], i wouldn’t be so [unkind] to you, either…~♪
Uuu... I always try to be serious, though…
That’s not fair~! Shinkai-dono, you’re being really nice to your club’s underclassman, huh~?
i am always [kind]~. [clubs] and [units] are different.
if i had the same [attitude] for both, it’d be [weird], wouldn’t it?
Nghhh, I want Taishou8 to pat my head and call me a good kid, too. Um, Kanzaki-senpai, Taishou seems like he’s busy… I wonder where he is right now; what’s he been doing…?
Haven't you heard? Lately, Kiryu-dono’s been participating in a multitude of “B1”' tournaments out of the blue.
You see, one of his classmates has asked him to appear to help.9
Though this is our decompression period, he said that if he has nothing to do, he will inevitably get out of shape…
After all, that man is a warrior at heart.
Additionally, we, AKATSUKI, have always ruled as statesmen, and have only ever competed against weak opponents.
Therefore, it’s likely he wanted to dress up as a footsoldier and crawl through the mud to gauge the atmosphere of the front lines.
Otherwise, our perceptions will gradually deviate from reality.
If you settle for turning away from battle and hiding in basecamp, you will lose your survival instinct and miscalculate the real state of affairs.
That sort of thing is what he seems to think, anyway. I agree with Kiryu-dono, and I’m proud of him. The two of us are lucky to have a great senior♪
U~myu… If that's how it is, I wish he’d invited me too. Is it unmanly to think that way?
But Taishou’s way of life really is cool after all~♪
It’s been a while since Taishou’s gone around operating solo... Ahh, I’d love to see that valiant figure. Can I go watch his match for a li’l while?
After we finish having this discussion. You and Sengoku are both first years, so support him.
For having peers you can walk alongside with is something to be very thankful for.
Translation Notes
- ↑ Souma refers to Kanata as 部長 (buchou, lit. chief ), or club president (Kanata's position in their club).
- ↑ Kanata's dialogue is completely in hiragana, likely to emphasize his slow, relaxed way of speaking. Some words are in brackets likely due to Japanese being difficult to read in full hiragana (it would be like reading English sentences without spaces between words).
- ↑ An influential leader from the 6th-7th centuries, Prince Shotoku is credited with modernizing government administration. He is also considered foundational for the spread of Buddhism in Japan. Read more here.
- ↑ From 緩い (loose, laid-back) + マスコットキャラクタ (mascot character), ゆるキャラ (yuruchara) are Japanese mascots. Yuru-chara are typically made to resemble and promote specific places, events or businesses. Their designs tend to be cute and sloppy. It's kind of Midori's whole life. Read more here.
- ↑ A famous Sengoku-era ninja. Hanzou served Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of Japan's three Great Unifiers. Read more about Hanzou here.
- ↑ In Japanese, words from other languages (such as English) are typically rendered in katakana. However, when Souma uses katakana words, they are all written in hiragana instead, likely to emphasize how he struggles with foreign words. These words are kept as written in hiragana, and put in "quotes".
- ↑ いい子 いい子 ("good kid, good kid") often includes head patting. There will be a lot of this.
- ↑ Tetora refers to Kuro as 大将 (taishou, lit. large general ), or boss. Not to be confused with Chiaki's 隊長 (taichou).
- ↑ This is likely about Kuro's work with Knights Killers, a temporary unit put together by Leo Tsukinaga. The story they appear in also happens during autumn.